├── .gitignore ├── .nojekyll ├── Project.hhp ├── compile_chm.ahk ├── docs ├── 404.htm ├── AHKL_DBGPClients.htm ├── ChangeLog.htm ├── Compat.htm ├── Concepts.htm ├── FAQ.htm ├── Functions.htm ├── HotkeyFeatures.htm ├── Hotkeys.htm ├── Hotstrings.htm ├── KeyList.htm ├── Language.htm ├── ObjList.htm ├── Objects.htm ├── Program.htm ├── Scripts.htm ├── Tutorial.htm ├── Variables.htm ├── howto │ ├── Install.htm │ ├── ManageWindows.htm │ ├── RunExamples.htm │ ├── RunPrograms.htm │ ├── SendKeys.htm │ └── WriteHotkeys.htm ├── index.htm ├── lib │ ├── A_Clipboard.htm │ ├── A_HotkeyModifierTimeout.htm │ ├── A_MaxHotkeysPerInterval.htm │ ├── A_MenuMaskKey.htm │ ├── Any.htm │ ├── Array.htm │ ├── Block.htm │ ├── BlockInput.htm │ ├── Break.htm │ ├── Buffer.htm │ ├── CallbackCreate.htm │ ├── CaretGetPos.htm │ ├── Catch.htm │ ├── Chr.htm │ ├── Class.htm │ ├── Click.htm │ ├── ClipWait.htm │ ├── ClipboardAll.htm │ ├── ComCall.htm │ ├── ComObjActive.htm │ ├── ComObjArray.htm │ ├── ComObjConnect.htm │ ├── ComObjFlags.htm │ ├── ComObjFromPtr.htm │ ├── ComObjGet.htm │ ├── ComObjQuery.htm │ ├── ComObjType.htm │ ├── ComObjValue.htm │ ├── ComObject.htm │ ├── ComValue.htm │ ├── Continue.htm │ ├── Control.htm │ ├── ControlAddItem.htm │ ├── ControlChooseIndex.htm │ ├── ControlChooseString.htm │ ├── ControlClick.htm │ ├── ControlDeleteItem.htm │ ├── ControlFindItem.htm │ ├── ControlFocus.htm │ ├── ControlGetChecked.htm │ ├── ControlGetChoice.htm │ ├── ControlGetClassNN.htm │ ├── ControlGetEnabled.htm │ ├── ControlGetFocus.htm │ ├── ControlGetHwnd.htm │ ├── ControlGetIndex.htm │ ├── ControlGetItems.htm │ ├── ControlGetPos.htm │ ├── ControlGetStyle.htm │ ├── ControlGetText.htm │ ├── ControlGetVisible.htm │ ├── ControlHide.htm │ ├── ControlHideDropDown.htm │ ├── ControlMove.htm │ ├── ControlSend.htm │ ├── ControlSetChecked.htm │ ├── ControlSetEnabled.htm │ ├── ControlSetStyle.htm │ ├── ControlSetText.htm │ ├── ControlShow.htm │ ├── ControlShowDropDown.htm │ ├── CoordMode.htm │ ├── Critical.htm │ ├── DateAdd.htm │ ├── DateDiff.htm │ ├── DetectHiddenText.htm │ ├── DetectHiddenWindows.htm │ ├── DirCopy.htm │ ├── DirCreate.htm │ ├── DirDelete.htm │ ├── DirExist.htm │ ├── DirMove.htm │ ├── DirSelect.htm │ ├── DllCall.htm │ ├── Download.htm │ ├── Drive.htm │ ├── DriveEject.htm │ ├── DriveGetCapacity.htm │ ├── DriveGetFileSystem.htm │ ├── DriveGetLabel.htm │ ├── DriveGetList.htm │ ├── DriveGetSerial.htm │ ├── DriveGetSpaceFree.htm │ ├── DriveGetStatus.htm │ ├── DriveGetStatusCD.htm │ ├── DriveGetType.htm │ ├── DriveLock.htm │ ├── DriveSetLabel.htm │ ├── DriveUnlock.htm │ ├── Edit.htm │ ├── EditGetCurrentCol.htm │ ├── EditGetCurrentLine.htm │ ├── EditGetLine.htm │ ├── EditGetLineCount.htm │ ├── EditGetSelectedText.htm │ ├── EditPaste.htm │ ├── Else.htm │ ├── Enumerator.htm │ ├── EnvGet.htm │ ├── EnvSet.htm │ ├── Error.htm │ ├── Exit.htm │ ├── ExitApp.htm │ ├── File.htm │ ├── FileAppend.htm │ ├── FileCopy.htm │ ├── FileCreateShortcut.htm │ ├── FileDelete.htm │ ├── FileEncoding.htm │ ├── FileExist.htm │ ├── FileGetAttrib.htm │ ├── FileGetShortcut.htm │ ├── FileGetSize.htm │ ├── FileGetTime.htm │ ├── FileGetVersion.htm │ ├── FileInstall.htm │ ├── FileMove.htm │ ├── FileOpen.htm │ ├── FileRead.htm │ ├── FileRecycle.htm │ ├── FileRecycleEmpty.htm │ ├── FileSelect.htm │ ├── FileSetAttrib.htm │ ├── FileSetTime.htm │ ├── Finally.htm │ ├── Float.htm │ ├── For.htm │ ├── Format.htm │ ├── FormatTime.htm │ ├── Func.htm │ ├── GetKeyName.htm │ ├── GetKeySC.htm │ ├── GetKeyState.htm │ ├── GetKeyVK.htm │ ├── GetMethod.htm │ ├── Goto.htm │ ├── GroupActivate.htm │ ├── GroupAdd.htm │ ├── GroupClose.htm │ ├── GroupDeactivate.htm │ ├── Gui.htm │ ├── GuiControl.htm │ ├── GuiControls.htm │ ├── GuiCtrlFromHwnd.htm │ ├── GuiFromHwnd.htm │ ├── GuiOnCommand.htm │ ├── GuiOnEvent.htm │ ├── GuiOnNotify.htm │ ├── HasBase.htm │ ├── HasMethod.htm │ ├── HasProp.htm │ ├── HotIf.htm │ ├── Hotkey.htm │ ├── Hotstring.htm │ ├── If.htm │ ├── ImageSearch.htm │ ├── InStr.htm │ ├── IniDelete.htm │ ├── IniRead.htm │ ├── IniWrite.htm │ ├── InputBox.htm │ ├── InputHook.htm │ ├── InstallKeybdHook.htm │ ├── InstallMouseHook.htm │ ├── Integer.htm │ ├── Is.htm │ ├── IsLabel.htm │ ├── IsObject.htm │ ├── IsSet.htm │ ├── KeyHistory.htm │ ├── KeyWait.htm │ ├── ListHotkeys.htm │ ├── ListLines.htm │ ├── ListVars.htm │ ├── ListView.htm │ ├── ListViewGetContent.htm │ ├── LoadPicture.htm │ ├── Loop.htm │ ├── LoopFiles.htm │ ├── LoopParse.htm │ ├── LoopRead.htm │ ├── LoopReg.htm │ ├── Map.htm │ ├── Math.htm │ ├── Menu.htm │ ├── MenuFromHandle.htm │ ├── MenuSelect.htm │ ├── Monitor.htm │ ├── MonitorGet.htm │ ├── MonitorGetCount.htm │ ├── MonitorGetName.htm │ ├── MonitorGetPrimary.htm │ ├── MonitorGetWorkArea.htm │ ├── MouseClick.htm │ ├── MouseClickDrag.htm │ ├── MouseGetPos.htm │ ├── MouseMove.htm │ ├── MsgBox.htm │ ├── NumGet.htm │ ├── NumPut.htm │ ├── Number.htm │ ├── ObjAddRef.htm │ ├── ObjBindMethod.htm │ ├── Object.htm │ ├── OnClipboardChange.htm │ ├── OnError.htm │ ├── OnExit.htm │ ├── OnMessage.htm │ ├── Ord.htm │ ├── OutputDebug.htm │ ├── Pause.htm │ ├── Persistent.htm │ ├── PixelGetColor.htm │ ├── PixelSearch.htm │ ├── PostMessage.htm │ ├── Process.htm │ ├── ProcessClose.htm │ ├── ProcessExist.htm │ ├── ProcessGetName.htm │ ├── ProcessGetParent.htm │ ├── ProcessSetPriority.htm │ ├── ProcessWait.htm │ ├── ProcessWaitClose.htm │ ├── Random.htm │ ├── RegCreateKey.htm │ ├── RegDelete.htm │ ├── RegDeleteKey.htm │ ├── RegExMatch.htm │ ├── RegExReplace.htm │ ├── RegRead.htm │ ├── RegWrite.htm │ ├── Reload.htm │ ├── Return.htm │ ├── Run.htm │ ├── RunAs.htm │ ├── Send.htm │ ├── SendLevel.htm │ ├── SendMessage.htm │ ├── SendMode.htm │ ├── SetControlDelay.htm │ ├── SetDefaultMouseSpeed.htm │ ├── SetKeyDelay.htm │ ├── SetMouseDelay.htm │ ├── SetNumScrollCapsLockState.htm │ ├── SetRegView.htm │ ├── SetStoreCapsLockMode.htm │ ├── SetTimer.htm │ ├── SetTitleMatchMode.htm │ ├── SetWinDelay.htm │ ├── SetWorkingDir.htm │ ├── Shutdown.htm │ ├── Sleep.htm │ ├── Sort.htm │ ├── Sound.htm │ ├── SoundBeep.htm │ ├── SoundGetInterface.htm │ ├── SoundGetMute.htm │ ├── SoundGetName.htm │ ├── SoundGetVolume.htm │ ├── SoundPlay.htm │ ├── SoundSetMute.htm │ ├── SoundSetVolume.htm │ ├── SplitPath.htm │ ├── StatusBarGetText.htm │ ├── StatusBarWait.htm │ ├── StrCompare.htm │ ├── StrGet.htm │ ├── StrLen.htm │ ├── StrLower.htm │ ├── StrPtr.htm │ ├── StrPut.htm │ ├── StrReplace.htm │ ├── StrSplit.htm │ ├── String.htm │ ├── SubStr.htm │ ├── Suspend.htm │ ├── Switch.htm │ ├── SysGet.htm │ ├── SysGetIPAddresses.htm │ ├── Thread.htm │ ├── Throw.htm │ ├── ToolTip.htm │ ├── TraySetIcon.htm │ ├── TrayTip.htm │ ├── TreeView.htm │ ├── Trim.htm │ ├── Try.htm │ ├── Type.htm │ ├── Until.htm │ ├── VarSetStrCapacity.htm │ ├── VerCompare.htm │ ├── While.htm │ ├── Win.htm │ ├── WinActivate.htm │ ├── WinActivateBottom.htm │ ├── WinActive.htm │ ├── WinClose.htm │ ├── WinExist.htm │ ├── WinGetClass.htm │ ├── WinGetClientPos.htm │ ├── WinGetControls.htm │ ├── WinGetControlsHwnd.htm │ ├── WinGetCount.htm │ ├── WinGetID.htm │ ├── WinGetIDLast.htm │ ├── WinGetList.htm │ ├── WinGetMinMax.htm │ ├── WinGetPID.htm │ ├── WinGetPos.htm │ ├── WinGetProcessName.htm │ ├── WinGetProcessPath.htm │ ├── WinGetStyle.htm │ ├── WinGetText.htm │ ├── WinGetTitle.htm │ ├── WinGetTransColor.htm │ ├── WinGetTransparent.htm │ ├── WinHide.htm │ ├── WinKill.htm │ ├── WinMaximize.htm │ ├── WinMinimize.htm │ ├── WinMinimizeAll.htm │ ├── WinMove.htm │ ├── WinMoveBottom.htm │ ├── WinMoveTop.htm │ ├── WinRedraw.htm │ ├── WinRestore.htm │ ├── WinSetAlwaysOnTop.htm │ ├── WinSetEnabled.htm │ ├── WinSetRegion.htm │ ├── WinSetStyle.htm │ ├── WinSetTitle.htm │ ├── WinSetTransColor.htm │ ├── WinSetTransparent.htm │ ├── WinShow.htm │ ├── WinWait.htm │ ├── WinWaitActive.htm │ ├── WinWaitClose.htm │ ├── _ClipboardTimeout.htm │ ├── _DllLoad.htm │ ├── _ErrorStdOut.htm │ ├── _HotIf.htm │ ├── _HotIfTimeout.htm │ ├── _Hotstring.htm │ ├── _Include.htm │ ├── _InputLevel.htm │ ├── _MaxThreads.htm │ ├── _MaxThreadsBuffer.htm │ ├── _MaxThreadsPerHotkey.htm │ ├── _NoTrayIcon.htm │ ├── _Requires.htm │ ├── _SingleInstance.htm │ ├── _SuspendExempt.htm │ ├── _UseHook.htm │ ├── _Warn.htm │ ├── _WinActivateForce.htm │ └── index.htm ├── license.htm ├── misc │ ├── Acknowledgements.htm │ ├── Ahk2ExeDirectives.htm │ ├── CLSID-List.htm │ ├── Colors.htm │ ├── DPIScaling.htm │ ├── Editors.htm │ ├── EscapeChar.htm │ ├── FontsStandard.htm │ ├── Functor.htm │ ├── ImageHandles.htm │ ├── Labels.htm │ ├── Languages.htm │ ├── LongPaths.htm │ ├── Macros.htm │ ├── Override.htm │ ├── Performance.htm │ ├── RegEx-QuickRef.htm │ ├── RegExCallout.htm │ ├── Remap.htm │ ├── RemapController.htm │ ├── SendMessage.htm │ ├── SendMessageList.htm │ ├── Styles.htm │ ├── Threads.htm │ ├── WinTitle.htm │ ├── Winamp.htm │ └── remove-userchoice.reg ├── scripts │ ├── ContextSensitiveHelp.ahk │ ├── ControllerMouse.ahk │ ├── ControllerTest.ahk │ ├── EasyWindowDrag.ahk │ ├── EasyWindowDrag_(KDE).ahk │ ├── EncodeHTML.ahk │ ├── FavoriteFolders.ahk │ ├── KeyboardOnScreen.ahk │ ├── MinimizeToTrayMenu.ahk │ ├── MsgBoxButtonNames.ahk │ ├── Numpad000.ahk │ ├── NumpadMouse.ahk │ ├── Seek_(SearchTheStartMenu).ahk │ ├── TooltipMouseMenu.ahk │ ├── UpDownCustomIncrements.ahk │ ├── VolumeOSD.ahk │ ├── WinLIRC.ahk │ ├── WindowShading.ahk │ └── index.htm ├── search.htm ├── settings.htm ├── static │ ├── ahk16.png │ ├── ahk16_pause.png │ ├── ahk16_pause_suspend.png │ ├── ahk16_suspend.png │ ├── ahk_logo.png │ ├── ahk_logo.svg │ ├── ahk_logo_no_text.png │ ├── ahkfile16.png │ ├── content.css │ ├── content.js │ ├── ctrl_button.png │ ├── ctrl_check.png │ ├── ctrl_combo.png │ ├── ctrl_datetime.png │ ├── ctrl_ddl.png │ ├── ctrl_edit.png │ ├── ctrl_group.png │ ├── ctrl_hotkey.png │ ├── ctrl_link.png │ ├── ctrl_list.png │ ├── ctrl_listview.png │ ├── ctrl_menu.png │ ├── ctrl_monthcal.png │ ├── ctrl_progress.png │ ├── ctrl_radio.png │ ├── ctrl_slider.png │ ├── ctrl_status.png │ ├── ctrl_tab.png │ ├── ctrl_text.png │ ├── ctrl_treeview.png │ ├── ctrl_updown.png │ ├── dark.css │ ├── dlg_file.png │ ├── dlg_folder.png │ ├── dlg_input.png │ ├── dlg_message.png │ ├── dlg_tooltip.png │ ├── dlg_traytip.png │ ├── fonts │ │ ├── icons.eot │ │ ├── icons.svg │ │ ├── icons.ttf │ │ └── icons.woff │ ├── highlighter │ │ ├── dark.css │ │ ├── highlighter.css │ │ ├── highlighter.js │ │ └── light.css │ ├── sound_levels.png │ ├── source │ │ ├── build_search.ahk │ │ ├── check_data.ahk │ │ ├── data_deprecate.js │ │ ├── data_index.js │ │ ├── data_search.js │ │ ├── data_toc.js │ │ └── data_translate.js │ └── theme.css ├── v1-changes.htm └── v2-changes.htm └── index.html /.gitignore: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | *.chm 2 | # Ignore auto-generated files 3 | Index.hhk 4 | Table of Contents.hhc 5 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /.nojekyll: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/.nojekyll -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /Project.hhp: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | [OPTIONS] 2 | Binary Index=No 3 | Compatibility=1.1 or later 4 | Compiled file=AutoHotkey.chm 5 | Default Window=Contents 6 | Default topic=docs\index.htm 7 | Display compile progress=No 8 | Full-text search=Yes 9 | Index file=Index.hhk 10 | Language=0x409 English (United States) 11 | Title=AutoHotkey v2 Help 12 | 13 | [WINDOWS] 14 | Contents="AutoHotkey v2 Help",,,"docs\index.htm","docs\index.htm",,,,,0x73500,,0x10200e,[200,0,1080,700],,,,,3,,0 15 | 16 | 17 | [FILES] 18 | docs\search.htm 19 | docs\settings.htm 20 | docs\v1-changes.htm 21 | docs\static\content.css 22 | docs\static\dark.css 23 | docs\static\ahk_logo.png 24 | docs\static\fonts\icons.eot 25 | docs\static\fonts\icons.svg 26 | docs\static\fonts\icons.ttf 27 | 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6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |Looks like the document you're looking for doesn't exist.
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/Break.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Exits (terminates) any type of loop statement.
15 |Break LoopLabel16 | 17 |
If omitted or 1, this statement applies to the innermost loop in which it is enclosed. Otherwise, specify which loop this statement should apply to; either by label name or numeric nesting level. If a label is specified, it must point directly at a loop statement.
22 |LoopLabel must be a constant value - variables and expressions are not supported, with the exception of a single literal number or quoted string enclosed in parentheses. For example: break("outer")
The use of Break and Continue are encouraged over Goto since they usually make scripts more readable and maintainable.
28 |Continue, Loop, While-loop, For-loop, Blocks, Labels
30 | 31 |Breaks the loop if var is greater than 25.
34 |Loop 35 | { 36 | ; ... 37 | if (var > 25) 38 | break 39 | ; ... 40 | if (var <= 5) 41 | continue 42 | }43 |
Breaks the outer loop from within a nested loop.
47 |outer: 48 | Loop 3 49 | { 50 | x := A_Index 51 | Loop 3 52 | { 53 | if (x*A_Index = 6) 54 | break outer ; Equivalent to break 2 or goto break_outer. 55 | MsgBox x "," A_Index 56 | } 57 | } 58 | break_outer: ; For goto. 59 |60 |
Retrieves the current position of the caret (text insertion point).
17 | 18 |CaretFound := CaretGetPos(&OutputVarX, &OutputVarY)19 |
Type: VarRef
24 |If omitted, the corresponding value will not be stored. Otherwise, specify references to the output variables in which to store the X and Y coordinates. The retrieved coordinates are relative to the active window's client area unless overridden by using CoordMode or A_CoordModeCaret.
25 |Type: Integer (boolean)
30 |If there is no active window or the caret position cannot be determined, the function returns 0 (false) and the output variables are made blank. The function returns 1 (true) if the system returned a caret position, but this does not necessarily mean a caret is visible.
31 | 32 |Any of the output variables may be omitted if the corresponding information is not needed.
34 |Note that some windows (e.g. certain versions of MS Word) report the same caret position regardless of its actual position.
35 | 36 |Allows the user to move the caret around to see its current position displayed in an auto-update tooltip.
42 |SetTimer WatchCaret, 100 43 | WatchCaret() { 44 | if CaretGetPos(&x, &y) 45 | ToolTip "X" x " Y" y, x, y - 20 46 | else 47 | ToolTip "No caret" 48 | }49 |
Returns the string (usually a single character) corresponding to the character code indicated by the specified number.
16 | 17 |String := Chr(Number)
18 | Type: Integer
24 |A Unicode character code between 0 and 0x10FFFF.
25 |Type: String
31 |The string corresponding to Number. This is always a single Unicode character, but for practical reasons, Unicode supplementary characters (where Number is in the range 0x10000 to 0x10FFFF) are counted as two characters. That is, the length of the return value as reported by StrLen may be 1 or 2. For further explanation, see String Encoding.
32 |If Number is 0, the return value is a string containing a binary null character, not an empty (zero-length) string. This can be safely assigned to a variable, passed to a function or concatenated with another string. However, some built-in functions may "see" only the part of the string preceding the first null character.
33 | 34 |The range and meaning of character codes depends on which string encoding is in use. Currently all AutoHotkey v2 executables are built for Unicode, so this function always accepts a Unicode character code and returns a Unicode (UTF-16) string.
36 |Common character codes include 9 (tab), 10 (linefeed), 13 (carriage return), 32 (space), 48-57 (the digits 0-9), 65-90 (uppercase A-Z), and 97-122 (lowercase a-z).
37 | 38 |Reports the string corresponding to the character code 116.
44 |MsgBox Chr(116) ; Reports "t".45 |
Retrieves a registered COM object.
16 |ComObj := ComObjActive(CLSID)
17 |
18 | Type: String
24 |CLSID or human-readable Prog ID of the COM object to retrieve.
25 |Type: ComObject
31 |This function returns a new COM wrapper object with the variant type VT_DISPATCH (9).
32 | 33 |An exception is thrown on failure.
35 | 36 |ComValue, ComObject, ComObjGet, ComObjConnect, ComObjFlags, ObjAddRef/ObjRelease, ComObjQuery, GetActiveObject (Microsoft Docs)
38 | 39 |Displays the active document in Microsoft Word, if it is running. For details about the COM object and its properties used below, see Word.Application object (Microsoft Docs).
42 |43 | word := ComObjActive("Word.Application") 44 | if !word 45 | MsgBox "Word isn't open." 46 | else 47 | MsgBox word.ActiveDocument.FullName48 |
Wraps a raw IDispatch pointer (COM object) for use by the script.
17 |ComObj := ComObjFromPtr(DispPtr)
18 |
19 | Type: Integer
25 |A non-null interface pointer for IDispatch or a derived interface.
26 |Type: ComObject
32 |Returns a wrapper object containing the variant type VT_DISPATCH and the given pointer.
33 |Wrapping a COM object enables the script to interact with it more naturally, using object syntax. However, the majority of scripts do not need to do this manually since a wrapper object is created automatically by ComObject, ComObjActive, ComObjGet and any COM method which returns an object.
34 | 35 |The wrapper object assumes responsibility for automatically releasing the pointer when appropriate. This function queries the object for its IDispatch interface; if one is returned, DispPtr is immediately released. Therefore, if the script intends to use the pointer after calling this function, it must call ObjAddRef(DispPtr)
Known limitation: Each time a COM object is wrapped, a new wrapper object is created. Comparisons and assignments such as obj1 == obj2
and arr[obj1] := value
treat the two wrapper objects as unique, even when they contain the same COM object.
ComObject, ComValue, ComObjGet, ComObjConnect, ComObjFlags, ObjAddRef/ObjRelease, ComObjQuery, GetActiveObject (Microsoft Docs)
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/ComObjGet.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Returns a reference to an object provided by a COM component.
15 |ComObj := ComObjGet(Name)
16 |
17 | Type: String
23 |The display name of the object to be retrieved. See MkParseDisplayName (Microsoft Docs) for more information.
24 |Type: ComObject
30 |This function returns a new COM wrapper object with the variant type VT_DISPATCH (9).
31 | 32 |An exception is thrown on failure.
34 | 35 |Press Shift+Esc to show the command line which was used to launch the active window's process. For Win32_Process, see Microsoft Docs.
41 |+Esc:: 42 | { 43 | pid := WinGetPID("A") 44 | ; Get WMI service object. 45 | wmi := ComObjGet("winmgmts:") 46 | ; Run query to retrieve matching process(es). 47 | queryEnum := wmi.ExecQuery("" 48 | . "Select * from Win32_Process where ProcessId=" . pid) 49 | ._NewEnum() 50 | ; Get first matching process. 51 | if queryEnum(&proc) 52 | MsgBox(proc.CommandLine, "Command line", 0) 53 | else 54 | MsgBox("Process not found!") 55 | }56 |
Retrieves the value or pointer stored in a COM wrapper object.
16 | 17 |Value := ComObjValue(ComObj)
18 |
19 | Type: Object
25 |A wrapper object containing a COM object or typed value. See ComValue for details.
26 |Type: Integer
32 |This function returns a 64-bit signed integer.
33 | 34 |A TypeError is thrown if ComObj is not a COM wrapper object.
36 | 37 |This function is not intended for general use.
39 |Calling ComObjValue is equivalent to variant.llVal
, where ComObj is treated as a VARIANT structure. Any script which uses this function must be aware what type of value the wrapper object contains and how it should be treated. For instance, if an interface pointer is returned, Release should not be called, but AddRef may be required depending on what the script does with the pointer.
ComObjType, ComObject, ComObjGet, ComObjActive
43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/DateAdd.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Adds or subtracts time from a date-time value.
17 | 18 |Result := DateAdd(DateTime, Time, TimeUnits)
19 | Type: String
25 |A date-time stamp in the YYYYMMDDHH24MISS format.
26 |The amount of time to add, as an integer or floating-point number. Specify a negative number to perform subtraction.
32 |Type: String
37 |The meaning of the Time parameter. TimeUnits may be one of the following strings (or just the first letter): Seconds, Minutes, Hours or Days.
Type: String
43 |This function returns a string of digits in the YYYYMMDDHH24MISS format. This string should not be treated as a number, i.e. one should not perform math on it or compare it numerically.
44 | 45 |The built-in variable A_Now contains the current local time in YYYYMMDDHH24MISS format.
47 |To calculate the amount of time between two timestamps, use DateDiff.
48 |If DateTime contains an invalid timestamp or a year prior to 1601, a ValueError is thrown.
49 | 50 |DateDiff, FileGetTime, FormatTime
52 | 53 |Calculates the date 31 days from now and reports the result in human-readable form.
56 |57 | later := DateAdd(A_Now, 31, "days") 58 | MsgBox FormatTime(later) 59 |60 |
Determines whether invisible text in a window is "seen" for the purpose of finding the window. This affects windowing functions such as WinExist and WinActivate.
16 | 17 |DetectHiddenText Mode
18 | Type: Boolean
24 |If true, hidden text is detected.
25 |If false, hidden text is not detected.
26 |Type: Integer (boolean)
32 |This function returns the previous setting; either 0 (false) or 1 (true).
33 | 34 |If DetectHiddenText is not used, the default setting is 1 (true).
36 |"Hidden text" is a term that refers to those controls of a window that are not visible. Their text is thus considered "hidden". Turning off DetectHiddenText can be useful in cases where you want to detect the difference between the different panes of a multi-pane window or multi-tabbed dialog. Use Window Spy to determine which text of the currently-active window is hidden. All built-in functions that accept a WinText parameter are affected by this setting, including WinActivate, WinActive, WinWait, and WinExist.
37 |The built-in variable A_DetectHiddenText contains the current setting (1 or 0).
38 |Every newly launched thread (such as a hotkey, custom menu item, or timed subroutine) starts off fresh with the default setting for this function. That default may be changed by using this function during script startup.
39 |Creates a folder.
17 | 18 |DirCreate DirName
19 | Type: String
25 |Name of the directory to create, which is assumed to be in A_WorkingDir if an absolute path isn't specified.
26 |An OSError is thrown if an error occurs.
32 |A_LastError is set to the result of the operating system's GetLastError() function.
33 | 34 |This function will also create all parent directories given in DirName if they do not already exist.
36 |Creates a new directory, including its parent directories if necessary.
41 |DirCreate "C:\Test1\My Images\Folder2"42 |
Deletes a folder.
17 | 18 |DirDelete DirName , Recurse19 |
Type: String
25 |Name of the directory to delete, which is assumed to be in A_WorkingDir if an absolute path isn't specified.
26 |Type: Boolean
31 |If omitted, it defaults to false.
32 |If false, files and subdirectories contained in DirName are not removed. In this case, if DirName is not empty, no action is taken and an exception is thrown.
33 |If true, all files and subdirectories are removed (like the Windows command "rmdir /S").
34 |An exception is thrown if an error occurs.
40 | 41 |Removes the directory including its files and subdirectories.
51 |DirDelete "C:\Download Temp", true52 |
Returns the total capacity of the drive which contains the specified path, in megabytes.
17 | 18 |Capacity := DriveGetCapacity(Path)
19 |
20 | Type: String
25 |Any path contained by the drive (might also work on UNC paths and mapped drives).
26 |Type: Integer
31 |This function returns the total capacity of the drive which contains Path, in megabytes.
32 | 33 |An exception is thrown on failure.
35 | 36 |In general, Path can be any path. Since NTFS supports mounted volumes and directory junctions, different paths with the same drive letter can produce different amounts of capacity.
38 | 39 |DriveGetSpaceFree, Drive functions
41 | 42 |See example #1 on the Drive Functions page for a demonstration of this function.
44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/DriveGetFileSystem.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Returns the type of the specified drive's file system.
17 | 18 |FileSystem := DriveGetFileSystem(Drive)
19 |
20 | Type: String
25 |The drive letter followed by a colon and an optional backslash, or a UNC name such as "\server1\share1"
Type: String
31 |This function returns the type of Drive's file system. The possible values are defined by the system; they include (but are not limited to) the following: NTFS, FAT32, FAT, CDFS (typically indicates a CD), or UDF (typically indicates a DVD).
32 | 33 |An exception is thrown on failure, such as if the drive does not contain formatted media.
35 | 36 |See example #1 on the Drive Functions page for a demonstration of this function.
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/DriveGetLabel.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Returns the volume label of the specified drive.
17 | 18 |Label := DriveGetLabel(Drive)
19 |
20 | Type: String
25 |The drive letter followed by a colon and an optional backslash, or a UNC name such as "\server1\share1"
Type: String
31 |This function returns the Drive's volume label.
32 | 33 |An exception is thrown on failure.
35 | 36 |DriveSetLabel, Drive functions
38 | 39 |See example #1 on the Drive Functions page for a demonstration of this function.
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/DriveGetList.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Returns a string of letters, one character for each drive letter in the system.
17 | 18 |List := DriveGetList(DriveType)19 | 20 |
Type: String
25 |If omitted, all drive types are retrieved. Otherwise, specify one of the following words to retrieve only a specific type of drive: CDROM, REMOVABLE, FIXED, NETWORK, RAMDISK, UNKNOWN.
26 |Type: String
31 |This function returns the drive letters in the system, depending on DriveType. For example: ACDEZ.
32 | 33 |See example #1 on the Drive Functions page for a demonstration of this function.
38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/DriveGetSerial.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Returns the volume serial number of the specified drive.
17 | 18 |Serial := DriveGetSerial(Drive)
19 |
20 | Type: String
25 |The drive letter followed by a colon and an optional backslash, or a UNC name such as "\server1\share1"
Type: Integer
31 |This function returns the Drive's volume serial number. See Format for how to convert it to hexadecimal.
32 | 33 |An exception is thrown on failure.
35 | 36 |See example #1 on the Drive Functions page for a demonstration of this function.
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/DriveGetSpaceFree.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Returns the free disk space of the drive which contains the specified path, in megabytes.
17 | 18 |FreeSpace := DriveGetSpaceFree(Path)
19 |
20 | Type: String
25 |Any path contained by the drive (might also work on UNC paths and mapped drives).
26 |Type: Integer
31 |This function returns the free disk space of the drive which contains Path, in megabytes (rounded down to the nearest megabyte).
32 | 33 |An exception is thrown on failure.
35 | 36 |In general, Path can be any path. Since NTFS supports mounted volumes and directory junctions, different paths with the same drive letter can produce different amounts of free space.
38 | 39 |DriveGetCapacity, Drive functions
41 | 42 |Retrieves and reports the free disk space of the drive which contains A_MyDocuments.
45 |FreeSpace := DriveGetSpaceFree(A_MyDocuments) 46 | MsgBox FreeSpace " MB"47 |
See example #1 on the Drive Functions page for another demonstration of this function.
49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/DriveGetStatus.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Returns the status of the drive which contains the specified path.
17 | 18 |Status := DriveGetStatus(Path)
19 |
20 | Type: String
25 |Any path contained by the drive (might also work on UNC paths and mapped drives).
26 |Type: String
31 |This function returns the status of the drive which contains Path:
32 |Status | 35 |Notes | 36 |
Unknown | 39 |Might indicate unformatted/RAW file system. | 40 |
Ready | 43 |This is the most common. | 44 |
NotReady | 47 |Typical for removable drives that don't contain media. | 48 |
Invalid | 51 |Path does not exist or is a network drive that is presently inaccessible, etc. | 52 |
An exception is thrown on failure.
57 | 58 |In general, Path can be any path. Since NTFS supports mounted volumes and directory junctions, different paths with the same drive letter can produce different results.
60 | 61 |See example #1 on the Drive Functions page for a demonstration of this function.
66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/DriveGetStatusCD.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Returns the media status of the specified CD/DVD drive.
17 | 18 |CDStatus := DriveGetStatusCD(Drive)19 | 20 |
Type: String
25 |If omitted, the default CD/DVD drive will be used. Otherwise, specify the drive letter followed by a colon.
26 |Type: String
31 |This function returns the Drive's media status:
32 |Status | 35 |Meaning | 36 |
not ready | 39 |The drive is not ready to be accessed, perhaps due to being engaged in a write operation. Known limitation: "not ready" also occurs when the drive contains a DVD rather than a CD. | 40 |
open | 43 |The drive contains no disc, or the tray is ejected. | 44 |
playing | 47 |The drive is playing a disc. | 48 |
paused | 51 |The previously playing audio or video is now paused. | 52 |
seeking | 55 |The drive is seeking. | 56 |
stopped | 59 |The drive contains a CD but is not currently accessing it. | 60 |
An exception is thrown on failure.
65 | 66 |This function will probably not work on a network drive or non-CD/DVD drive. If it fails in such cases or for any other reason, an exception is thrown.
68 |If the tray was recently closed, there may be a delay before the function completes.
69 | 70 |See example #1 on the Drive Functions page for a demonstration of this function.
75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/DriveGetType.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Returns the type of the drive which contains the specified path.
17 | 18 |DriveType := DriveGetType(Path)
19 |
20 | Type: String
25 |Any path contained by the drive (might also work on UNC paths and mapped drives).
26 |Type: String
31 |This function returns the type of the drive which contains Path: Unknown, Removable, Fixed, Network, CDROM, or RAMDisk. If Path is invalid (e.g. because the drive does not exist), the return value is an empty string.
32 | 33 |In general, Path can be any path. Since NTFS supports mounted volumes and directory junctions, different paths with the same drive letter can produce different results.
35 | 36 |See example #1 on the Drive Functions page for a demonstration of this function.
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/DriveLock.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Prevents the eject feature of the specified drive from working.
17 | 18 |DriveLock Drive
19 |
20 | Type: String
25 |The drive letter followed by a colon and an optional backslash (might also work on UNC paths and mapped drives).
26 |An exception is thrown on failure, such as if Drive does not exist or does not support the locking feature.
31 | 32 |Most drives cannot be "locked open". However, locking the drive while it is open will probably result in it becoming locked the moment it is closed.
34 |This function has no effect on drives that do not support locking (such as most read-only drives).
35 |To unlock a drive, call DriveUnlock. If a drive is locked by a script and that script exits, the drive will stay locked until another script or program unlocks it, or the system is restarted.
36 | 37 |Changes the volume label of the specified drive.
17 | 18 |DriveSetLabel Drive , NewLabel19 | 20 |
Type: String
25 |The drive letter followed by a colon and an optional backslash (might also work on UNC paths and mapped drives).
26 |Type: String
30 |If omitted, the drive will have no label. Otherwise, specify the new label to set.
31 |An exception is thrown on failure.
36 | 37 |DriveGetLabel, Drive functions
39 | 40 |Restores the eject feature of the specified drive.
17 | 18 |DriveUnlock Drive
19 |
20 | Type: String
25 |The drive letter followed by a colon and an optional backslash (might also work on UNC paths and mapped drives).
26 |An exception is thrown on failure.
31 | 32 |This function needs to be called multiple times if the drive was locked multiple times (at least for some drives). For example, if DriveLock("D:")
was called three times, DriveUnlock("D:")
might need to be called three times to unlock it. Because of this and the fact that there is no way to determine whether a drive is currently locked, it is often useful to keep track of its lock-state in a variable.
Opens the current script for editing in the default editor.
16 | 17 |Edit
18 | The Edit function opens the current script for editing using the associated "edit" verb in the registry (or Notepad if no verb). However, if an editor window appears to have the script already open (based on its window title), that window is activated instead of opening a new instance of the editor.
19 |The default program, script or command line executed by the "edit" verb can be changed via Editor settings in the Dash.
20 |This function has no effect when operating from within a compiled script.
21 |On a related note, AutoHotkey syntax highlighting can be enabled for various editors. In addition, context sensitive help for AutoHotkey functions can be enabled in any editor via this example. Finally, your productivity may be improved by using an auto-completion utility like the script by boiler or the script by Helgef, which works in almost any editor. It watches what you type and displays menus and parameter lists, which does some of the typing for you and reminds you of the order of parameters.
22 | 23 |Reload, How to edit a script, Editors with AutoHotkey support
25 | 26 | If your editor's command-line usage is something like Editor.exe "Full path of script.ahk"
, the following can be used to set it as the default editor for ahk files. When you run the script, it will prompt you to select the executable file of your editor.
Editor := FileSelect(2,, "Select your editor", "Programs (*.exe)") 35 | if Editor = "" 36 | ExitApp 37 | RegWrite Format('"{1}" "%L"', Editor), "REG_SZ", "HKCR\AutoHotkeyScript\Shell\Edit\Command"38 |
Retrieves the value of the specified environment variable.
16 | 17 |Value := EnvGet(EnvVar)
18 | Type: String
24 |The name of the environment variable, e.g. "Path"
Type: String
31 |This function returns EnvVar's value. If EnvVar has an empty value or does not exist, an empty string is returned.
32 | 33 |The operating system limits each environment variable to 32 KB of text.
35 |This function exists because normal script variables are not stored in the environment. This is because performance would be worse and also because the OS limits environment variables to 32 KB.
36 |Retrieves the value of an environment variable and stores it in LogonServer.
41 |LogonServer := EnvGet("LogonServer")42 |
Retrieves and reports the path of the "Program Files" directory. See RegRead example #2 for an alternative method.
46 |ProgramFilesDir := EnvGet(A_Is64bitOS ? "ProgramW6432" : "ProgramFiles") 47 | MsgBox "Program files are in: " ProgramFilesDir48 |
Retrieves and reports the path of the current user's Local AppData directory.
52 |LocalAppData := EnvGet("LocalAppData") 53 | MsgBox A_UserName "'s Local directory is located at: " LocalAppData54 |
Writes a value to the specified environment variable.
16 | 17 |EnvSet EnvVar , Value18 |
Type: String
24 |The name of the environment variable, e.g. "Path"
Type: String
30 |If omitted, the environment variable will be deleted. Otherwise, specify the value to write.
31 |An OSError is thrown on failure.
37 | 38 |The operating system limits each environment variable to 32 KB of text.
40 |An environment variable created or changed with this function will be accessible only to programs the script launches via Run or RunWait. See environment variables for more details.
41 |This function exists because normal script variables are not stored in the environment. This is because performance would be worse and also because the OS limits environment variables to 32 KB.
42 |Writes some text to an environment variable.
47 |EnvSet "AutGUI", "Some text to put in the environment variable."48 |
Exits the current thread.
16 | 17 |Exit ExitCode18 |
Type: Integer
24 |If omitted, it defaults to 0 (zero is traditionally used to indicate success). Otherwise, specify an integer between -2147483648 and 2147483647 that is returned to its caller when the script exits. This code is accessible to any program that spawned the script, such as another script (via RunWait) or a batch (.bat) file.
25 |The Exit function terminates only the current thread. In other words, the stack of functions called directly or indirectly by a menu, timer, or hotkey function will all be returned from as though a Return were immediately encountered in each. If used directly inside such a function -- or in global code -- Exit is equivalent to Return.
31 |If the script is not persistent and this is the last thread, the script will terminate after the thread exits.
32 | 33 |Use ExitApp to completely terminate a script that is persistent.
34 | 35 |ExitApp, OnExit, Functions, Return, Threads, Persistent
37 |In this example, the Exit function terminates the call_exit function as well as the calling function.
40 |41 | #z:: 42 | { 43 | call_exit 44 | MsgBox "This MsgBox will never happen because of the Exit." 45 | call_exit() 46 | { 47 | Exit ; Terminate this function as well as the calling function. 48 | } 49 | } 50 |51 |
Terminates the script.
16 | 17 |ExitApp ExitCode18 |
Type: Integer
24 |If omitted, it defaults to 0 (zero is traditionally used to indicate success). Otherwise, specify an integer between -2147483648 and 2147483647 that is returned to its caller when the script exits. This code is accessible to any program that spawned the script, such as another script (via RunWait) or a batch (.bat) file.
25 |This is equivalent to choosing "Exit" from the script's tray menu or main menu.
31 |Any functions registered by OnExit are called before the script terminates. If such a function returns a non-zero integer, the script does not terminate; instead, the current thread exits as if Exit was called.
32 |Terminating the script is not the same as exiting each thread. For instance, Finally blocks are not executed and __Delete is not called for objects contained by local variables.
33 |ExitApp is often unnecessary in scripts which are not persistent.
34 | 35 |Retrieves the version of a file.
16 | 17 |Version := FileGetVersion(Filename)18 |
Type: String
24 |If omitted, the current file of the innermost enclosing file loop will be used. Otherwise, specify the name of the target file. If a full path is not specified, this function uses the search sequence specified by the system LoadLibrary function.
25 |Type: String
31 |This function returns the version number of the specified file.
32 | 33 |An OSError is thrown on failure, such as if the file lacks version information.
35 |A_LastError is set to the result of the operating system's GetLastError() function.
36 | 37 |Most non-executable files (and even some EXEs) have no version, and thus an error will be thrown.
39 | 40 |FileGetAttrib, FileSetAttrib, FileGetTime, FileSetTime, FileGetSize, file loop
42 |Retrieves the version of a file and stores it in Version.
45 |Version := FileGetVersion("C:\My Application.exe")46 |
Retrieves the version of the file "AutoHotkey.exe" located in AutoHotkey's installation directory and stores it in Version.
50 |Version := FileGetVersion(A_ProgramFiles "\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe")51 |
Sends a file or directory to the recycle bin if possible, or permanently deletes it.
16 | 17 |FileRecycle FilePattern
18 | Type: String
24 |The name of a single file or a wildcard pattern such as "C:\Temp\*.tmp"
. FilePattern is assumed to be in A_WorkingDir if an absolute path isn't specified.
Both asterisks (*
) and question marks (?
) are supported as wildcards. *
matches zero or more characters and ?
matches any single character. Usage examples:
or *
matches all files.*.htm
matches files with the extension .htm, .html, etc.*.
matches files without an extension.log?.txt
matches e.g. log1.txt but not log10.txt.*report*
matches any filename containing the word "report".To recycle an entire directory, provide its name without a trailing backslash.
34 |An exception is thrown on failure.
40 | 41 |SHFileOperation is used to do the actual work. This function may permanently delete the file if it is too large to be recycled; also, a warning should be shown before this occurs.
43 |The file may be permanently deleted without warning if the file cannot be recycled for other reasons, such as:
44 |NukeOnDelete
registry value.FileRecycleEmpty, FileDelete, FileCopy, FileMove
50 |Sends all .tmp files in a directory to the recycle bin if possible.
53 |FileRecycle "C:\temp files\*.tmp"54 |
Empties the recycle bin.
16 | 17 |FileRecycleEmpty DriveLetter18 |
Type: String
24 |If omitted, the recycle bin for all drives is emptied. Otherwise, specify a drive letter such as "C:\"
An OSError is thrown on failure.
31 | 32 |FileRecycle, FileDelete, FileCopy, FileMove
34 |Converts a numeric string or integer value to a floating-point number.
16 |FltValue := Float(Value)
17 |
18 | Type: Float
20 |This function returns the result of converting Value to a pure floating-point number (having the type name "Float"), or Value itself if it is already the correct type.
21 | 22 |If the value cannot be converted, a TypeError is thrown.
24 |To determine if a value can be converted to a floating-point number, use the IsNumber function.
25 |Float is actually a class, but can be called as a function. Value is Float
can be used to check whether a value is a pure floating-point number.
Type, Integer, Number, String, Values, Expressions, Is functions
29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/GetKeyName.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Retrieves the name/text of a key.
17 | 18 |Name := GetKeyName(KeyName)
19 | Type: String
25 |This can be just about any single character from the keyboard or one of the key names from the key list. Examples: B, 5, LWin, RControl, Alt, Enter, Escape.
26 |Alternatively, this can be an explicit virtual key code such as vkFF, an explicit scan code such as sc01D, or a combination of VK and SC (in that order) such as vk1Bsc001. Note that these codes must be in hexadecimal.
27 |Type: String
33 |This function returns the name of the specified key, or blank if the key is invalid or unnamed.
34 | 35 |GetKeyVK, GetKeySC, GetKeyState, Key List
37 |Retrieves and reports the English name of Esc.
40 |MsgBox GetKeyName("Esc") ; Shows Escape 41 | MsgBox GetKeyName("vk1B") ; Shows also Escape42 |
Jumps to the specified label and continues execution.
16 | 17 |Goto Label 18 | Goto("Label")19 |
Label can be a variable or expression only if parentheses are used. For example, Goto MyLabel
and Goto("MyLabel")
both jump to MyLabel:
Performance is slightly reduced when using a dynamic label (that is, a variable or expression which returns a label name) because the target label must be "looked up" each time rather than only once when the script is first loaded. An error dialog will be displayed if the label does not exist. To avoid this, call IsLabel() beforehand. For example:
33 |if IsLabel(VarContainingLabelName) 34 | Goto(VarContainingLabelName)35 |
The use of Goto is discouraged because it generally makes scripts less readable and harder to maintain. Consider using Else, Blocks, Break, and Continue as substitutes for Goto.
36 |Return, IsLabel, Else, Blocks, Break, Continue
38 |Jumps to the label named "MyLabel" and continues execution.
41 |Goto MyLabel 42 | ; ... 43 | MyLabel: 44 | Sleep 100 45 | ; ...46 |
Retrieves the GuiControl object of a GUI control associated with the specified window handle.
17 |GuiControlObj := GuiCtrlFromHwnd(Hwnd)
18 |
19 | Type: Integer
24 |The window handle (HWND) of a GUI control, or a child window of such a control (e.g. the Edit control of a ComboBox). The control must have been created by the current script via Gui.Add.
25 |Type: Object or String (empty)
30 |This function returns the GuiControl object associated with the specified HWND, or an empty string if there isn't one or the HWND is invalid.
31 | 32 |For example, a HWND of a GUI control can be retrieved via GuiControl.Hwnd, MouseGetPos or OnMessage.
34 | 35 |Gui(), Gui object, GuiControl object, GuiFromHwnd, Control Types, ListView, TreeView, Menu object, Control functions, MsgBox, FileSelect, DirSelect
37 | 38 |See the ToolTip example on the Gui object page.
40 | 41 | 42 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/HasBase.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Returns a non-zero number if the specified value is derived from the specified base object.
17 | 18 |HasBase := HasBase(Value, BaseObj)
19 | Any value, of any type.
24 |Type: Object
28 |The potential base object to test.
29 |Type: Integer (boolean)
34 |This function returns 1 (true) if BaseObj is in Value's chain of base objects, otherwise 0 (false).
35 | 36 |The following code is roughly equivalent to this function:
38 |MyHasBase(Value, BaseObj) { 39 | b := Value 40 | while b := ObjGetBase(b) 41 | if b = BaseObj 42 | return true 43 | return false 44 | }45 |
For example, HasBase(Obj, Array.Prototype)
is true if Obj is an instance of Array or any derived class. This the same check performed by Obj is Array
; however, instances can be based on other instances, whereas is
requires a Class.
HasBase accepts both objects and primitive values. For example, HasBase(1, 0.base)
returns true.
Objects, Obj.Base, ObjGetBase, HasMethod, HasProp
50 | 51 |Illustrates the use of this function.
54 |55 | thebase := {key: "value"} 56 | derived := {base: thebase} 57 | MsgBox HasBase(thebase, derived) ; 0 58 | MsgBox HasBase(derived, thebase) ; 1 59 |60 |
Returns a non-zero number if the specified value has a property by the specified name.
17 | 18 |HasProp := HasProp(Value, Name)
19 | Type: Any
24 |Any value, of any type except ComObject.
25 |Type: String
29 |The property name to check for.
30 |Type: Integer (boolean)
35 |This function returns 1 (true) if the value has a property by this name, otherwise 0 (false).
36 | 37 |This function does not test for the presence of a __Get or __Set meta-function. If present, there is no way to detect the exact set of properties that it may implement.
39 |This function supports primitive values.
40 | 41 |Illustrates the use of this function.
47 |48 | MsgBox HasProp({}, "x") ; 0 49 | MsgBox HasProp({x:1}, "x") ; 1 50 | MsgBox HasProp(0, "Base") ; 1 51 |52 |
Deletes a value from a standard format .ini file.
16 | 17 |IniDelete Filename, Section , Key18 |
Type: String
24 |The name of the .ini file, which is assumed to be in A_WorkingDir if an absolute path isn't specified.
25 |Type: String
30 |The section name in the .ini file, which is the heading phrase that appears in square brackets (do not include the brackets in this parameter).
31 |Type: String
36 |If omitted, the entire section will be deleted. Otherwise, specify the key name in the .ini file.
37 |An OSError is thrown on failure.
42 |Regardless of whether an exception is thrown, A_LastError is set to the result of the operating system's GetLastError() function.
43 | 44 |A standard ini file looks like:
46 |[SectionName] 47 | Key=Value48 |
IniRead, IniWrite, RegDelete, RegDeleteKey
50 |Deletes a key and its value located in section2 from a standard format .ini file.
53 |IniDelete "C:\Temp\myfile.ini", "section2", "key"54 |
Converts a numeric string or floating-point value to an integer.
16 |IntValue := Integer(Value)
17 |
18 | Type: Integer
20 |This function returns the result of converting Value to a pure integer (having the type name "Integer"), or Value itself if it is already the correct type.
21 | 22 |Any fractional part of Value is dropped, equivalent to Value < 0 ? Ceil(Value) : Floor(Value)
If the value cannot be converted, a TypeError is thrown.
25 |To determine if a value can be converted to an integer, use the IsNumber function.
26 |Integer is actually a class, but can be called as a function. Value is Integer
can be used to check whether a value is a pure integer.
Type, Float, Number, String, Values, Expressions, Is functions
30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/IsLabel.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Returns a non-zero number if the specified label exists in the current scope.
16 | 17 |Boolean := IsLabel(LabelName)
18 | Type: String
24 |The name of a label. The trailing colon should not be included.
25 |Type: Integer (boolean)
31 |This function returns 1 (true) if the specified label exists within the current scope, otherwise 0 (false).
32 | 33 |This function is useful to avoid runtime errors when specifying a dynamic label for Goto.
35 |When called from inside a function, only that function's labels are searched. Global labels are not valid targets for a local goto.
36 | 37 |Reports "Target label exists" because the label does exist.
42 |if IsLabel("Label") 43 | MsgBox "Target label exists" 44 | else 45 | MsgBox "Target label doesn't exist" 46 | 47 | Label: 48 | return49 |
Returns a non-zero number if the specified value is an object.
16 | 17 |Boolean := IsObject(Value)
18 | Type: Any
24 |The value to check.
25 |Type: Integer (boolean)
31 |This function returns 1 (true) if Value is an object, otherwise 0 (false).
32 | 33 |Any value which is not a primitive value (number or string) is considered to be an object, including those which do not derive from Object, such as COM wrapper objects. This distinction is made because objects share several common traits in contrast to primitive values:
35 |Reports "This is an object." because the value is an object.
47 |obj := {key: "value"} 48 | 49 | if IsObject(obj) 50 | MsgBox "This is an object." 51 | else 52 | MsgBox "This is not an object."53 |
Displays the hotkeys in use by the current script, whether their subroutines are currently running, and whether or not they use the keyboard or mouse hook.
16 | 17 |ListHotkeys
18 | This function is equivalent to selecting the View->Hotkeys menu item in the main window.
19 |If a hotkey has been disabled via the Hotkey function, it will be listed as OFF or PART ("PART" means that only some of the hotkey's variants are disabled).
20 |If any of a hotkey's variants have a non-zero #InputLevel, the level (or minimum and maximum levels) are displayed.
21 |If any of a hotkey's subroutines are currently running, the total number of threads is displayed for that hotkey.
22 |Finally, the type of hotkey is also displayed, which is one of the following:
23 |InstallKeybdHook, InstallMouseHook, #UseHook, KeyHistory, ListLines, ListVars, #MaxThreadsPerHotkey, A_MaxHotkeysPerInterval
34 | 35 |Retrieves the Menu or MenuBar object corresponding to a Win32 menu handle.
17 | 18 |Menu := MenuFromHandle(Handle)
19 | Type: Integer
23 |A handle to a Win32 menu (of type HMENU
If the handle is invalid or does not correspond to a menu created by this script, the function returns an empty string.
29 | 30 |Win32 Menus, Menu/MenuBar object, Menu.Handle, Menu()
32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/MonitorGetCount.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Returns the total number of monitors.
17 | 18 |Count := MonitorGetCount()
19 |
20 | This function has no parameters.
22 | 23 |Type: Integer
25 |This function returns the total number of monitors.
26 | 27 |Unlike the SM_CMONITORS system property retrieved via SysGet(80)
, the return value includes all monitors, even those not being used as part of the desktop.
See example #1 on the Monitor Functions page for a demonstration of this function.
35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/MonitorGetName.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Returns the operating system's name of the specified monitor.
17 | 18 |Name := MonitorGetName(N)19 | 20 |
Type: Integer
25 |If omitted, the primary monitor will be used. Otherwise, specify the monitor number, between 1 and the number returned by MonitorGetCount.
26 |Type: String
31 |This function returns the operating system's name for the specified monitor.
32 | 33 |An exception is thrown on failure.
35 | 36 |See example #1 on the Monitor Functions page for a demonstration of this function.
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/MonitorGetPrimary.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Returns the number of the primary monitor.
17 | 18 |Primary := MonitorGetPrimary()
19 |
20 | This function has no parameters.
22 | 23 |Type: Integer
25 |This function returns the number of the primary monitor. In a single-monitor system, this will be always 1.
26 | 27 |See example #1 on the Monitor Functions page for a demonstration of this function.
32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/MonitorGetWorkArea.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Checks if the specified monitor exists and optionally retrieves the bounding coordinates of its working area.
17 | 18 |ActualN := MonitorGetWorkArea(N, &Left, &Top, &Right, &Bottom)19 | 20 |
Type: Integer
25 |If omitted, the primary monitor will be used. Otherwise, specify the monitor number, between 1 and the number returned by MonitorGetCount.
26 |Type: VarRef
31 |If omitted, the corresponding value will not be stored. Otherwise, specify references to the output variables in which to store the bounding coordinates of the working area, in pixels.
32 |Type: Integer
37 |This function returns the monitor number (the same as N unless N was omitted).
38 | 39 |On failure, an exception is thrown and the output variables are not modified.
41 | 42 |The working area of a monitor excludes the area occupied by the taskbar and other registered desktop toolbars.
44 | 45 |MonitorGet, SysGet, Monitor functions
47 | 48 |See example #1 on the Monitor Functions page for a demonstration of this function.
50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/Number.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Converts a numeric string to a pure integer or floating-point number.
16 |NumValue := Number(Value)
17 |
18 | This function returns the result of converting Value to a pure integer or floating-point number, or Value itself if it is already an Integer or Float value.
21 | 22 |If the value cannot be converted, a TypeError is thrown.
24 |To determine if a value can be converted to a number, use the IsNumber function.
25 |Number is actually a class, but can be called as a function. Value is Number
can be used to check whether a value is a pure number.
Type, Float, Integer, String, Values, Expressions, Is functions
29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/ObjAddRef.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Increments or decrements an object's reference count.
17 | 18 |NewRefCount := ObjAddRef(Ptr) 19 | NewRefCount := ObjRelease(Ptr)20 |
Type: Integer
26 |An unmanaged object pointer or COM interface pointer.
27 |Type: Integer
33 |These functions return the new reference count. This value should be used only for debugging purposes.
34 | 35 |Although the following articles discuss reference counting as it applies to COM, they cover some important concepts and rules which generally also apply to AutoHotkey objects: IUnknown::AddRef, IUnknown::Release, Reference Counting Rules.
38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/ObjBindMethod.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Creates a BoundFunc object which calls a method of a given object.
16 | 17 |BoundFunc := ObjBindMethod(Obj , Method, Params)18 | 19 |
Type: Object
25 |Any object.
26 |Type: String
31 |A method name. If omitted, the bound function calls Obj itself.
32 |Any number of parameters.
37 |For details and examples, see BoundFunc object.
43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/Ord.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Returns the ordinal value (numeric character code) of the first character in the specified string.
16 | 17 |Number := Ord(String)
18 | Type: String
24 |The string whose ordinal value is retrieved.
25 |Type: Integer
31 |This function returns the ordinal value of String, or 0 if String is empty. If String begins with a Unicode supplementary character, this function returns the corresponding Unicode character code (a number between 0x10000 and 0x10FFFF). Otherwise it returns a value in the range 0 to 255 (for ANSI) or 0 to 0xFFFF (for Unicode). See Unicode vs ANSI for details.
32 | 33 |Both message boxes below show 116, because only the first character is considered.
38 |MsgBox Ord("t") 39 | MsgBox Ord("test")40 |
Sends a string to the debugger (if any) for display.
16 | 17 |OutputDebug Text
18 | Type: String
24 |The text to send to the debugger for display. This text may include linefeed characters (`n) to start new lines. In addition, a single long line can be broken up into several shorter ones by means of a continuation section.
25 |If the script's process has no debugger, the system debugger displays the string. If the system debugger is not active, this function has no effect.
31 |One example of a debugger is DebugView, which is free and available at microsoft.com.
32 |See also: other debugging methods
33 |FileAppend, continuation sections
35 |Sends a string to the debugger (if any) for display.
38 |OutputDebug A_Now ': Because the window "' TargetWindowTitle '" did not exist, the process was aborted.'39 |
Checks if the specified process exists.
17 | 18 |PID := ProcessExist(PIDOrName)19 | 20 |
If omitted, the script's own process is used. Otherwise, specify either a number (the PID) or a process name:
26 |PID: The Process ID, which is a number that uniquely identifies one specific process (this number is valid only during the lifetime of that process). The PID of a newly launched process can be determined via the Run function. Similarly, the PID of a window can be determined with WinGetPID.
27 |Name: The name of a process is usually the same as its executable (without path), e.g. notepad.exe or winword.exe. Since a name might match multiple running processes, only the first process will be operated upon. The name is not case-sensitive.
28 |Type: Integer
33 |This function returns the Process ID (PID) of the specified process. If there is no matching process, zero is returned.
34 | 35 |Run, WinExist, Process functions, Win functions
37 | 38 |Checks if a process of Notepad exists.
41 |if (PID := ProcessExist("notepad.exe")) 42 | MsgBox "Notepad exists and has the Process ID " PID "." 43 | else 44 | MsgBox "Notepad does not exist."45 |
Returns the process ID (PID) of the process which created the specified process.
17 | 18 |PID := ProcessGetParent(PIDOrName)19 | 20 |
If omitted, the script's own process is used. Otherwise, specify either a number (the PID) or a process name:
26 |PID: The Process ID, which is a number that uniquely identifies one specific process (this number is valid only during the lifetime of that process). The PID of a newly launched process can be determined via the Run function. Similarly, the PID of a window can be determined with WinGetPID. ProcessExist can also be used to discover a PID.
27 |Name: The name of a process is usually the same as its executable (without path), e.g. notepad.exe or winword.exe. Since a name might match multiple running processes, only the first process will be operated upon. The name is not case-sensitive.
28 |Type: Integer
33 |This function returns the process ID (PID) of the process which created the specified process.
34 | 35 |A TargetError is thrown if the specified process could not be found.
37 | 38 |If the parent process is no longer running, there is some risk that the returned PID has been reused by the system, and now identifies a different process.
40 | 41 |Display the name of the process which launched the script.
47 |try 48 | MsgBox ProcessGetName(ProcessGetParent()) 49 | catch 50 | MsgBox "Unable to retrieve parent process name; the process has likely exited." 51 |52 |
Changes the script's current working directory.
16 | 17 |SetWorkingDir DirName
18 | Type: String
24 |The name of the new working directory, which is assumed to be a subfolder of the current A_WorkingDir if an absolute path isn't specified.
25 |An OSError is thrown on failure.
31 | 32 |The script's working directory is the default directory that is used to access files and folders when an absolute path has not been specified. In the following example, the file My Filename.txt is assumed to be in A_WorkingDir: FileAppend "A Line of Text", "My Filename.txt"
The script's working directory defaults to A_ScriptDir, regardless of how the script was launched. By contrast, the value of A_InitialWorkingDir is determined by how the script was launched. For example, if it was run via shortcut -- such as on the Start Menu -- its initial working directory is determined by the "Start in" field within the shortcut's properties.
35 |Once changed, the new working directory is instantly and globally in effect throughout the script. All interrupted, paused, and newly launched threads are affected, including Timers.
36 |A_WorkingDir, A_InitialWorkingDir, A_ScriptDir, DirSelect
38 |Forces the script to use the folder it was initially launched from as its working directory.
46 |SetWorkingDir A_InitialWorkingDir47 |
Shuts down, restarts, or logs off the system.
16 | 17 |Shutdown Flag
18 | Type: Integer
24 |A combination (sum) of the following numbers:
25 |Add the required values together. For example, to shutdown and power down the flag would be 9 (shutdown + power down = 1 + 8 = 9).
33 |The "Force" value (4) forces all open applications to close. It should only be used in an emergency because it may cause any open applications to lose data.
34 |The "Power down" value (8) shuts down the system and turns off the power.
35 |To have the system suspend or hibernate, see example #2 at the bottom of this page.
41 |To turn off the monitor, see SendMessage example #1.
42 |On a related note, a script can detect when the system is shutting down or the user is logging off via OnExit.
43 |Calls the Windows API function "SetSuspendState" to have the system suspend or hibernate. Note that the second parameter may have no effect at all on newer systems.
53 |; Parameter #1: Pass 1 instead of 0 to hibernate rather than suspend. 54 | ; Parameter #2: Pass 1 instead of 0 to suspend immediately rather than asking each application for permission. 55 | ; Parameter #3: Pass 1 instead of 0 to disable all wake events. 56 | DllCall("PowrProf\SetSuspendState", "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0)57 |
Emits a tone from the PC speaker.
16 | 17 |SoundBeep Frequency, Duration18 |
Type: Integer
24 |If omitted, it defaults to 523. Otherwise, specify the frequency of the sound, a number between 37 and 32767.
25 |Type: Integer
30 |If omitted, it defaults to 150. Otherwise, specify the duration of the sound, in milliseconds.
31 |The script waits for the sound to finish before continuing. In addition, system responsiveness might be reduced during sound production.
37 |If the computer lacks a sound card, a standard beep is played through the PC speaker.
38 |To produce the standard system sounds instead of beeping the PC Speaker, see the asterisk mode of SoundPlay.
39 |Retrieves the count of how many characters are in a string.
15 |Length := StrLen(String)
16 |
17 | Type: String
22 |The string whose contents will be measured.
23 |Type: Integer
28 |This function returns the length of the specified string.
29 | 30 |InStr, SubStr, Trim, StrLower, StrUpper, StrPut, StrGet, StrReplace, StrSplit
32 | 33 |Retrieves and reports the count of how many characters are in a string.
36 |StrValue := "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" 37 | MsgBox "The length of the string is " StrLen(StrValue) ; Result: 4338 |
Converts a value to a string.
16 |StrValue := String(Value)
17 |
18 | Type: String
20 |This function returns the result of converting Value to a string, or Value itself if it is a string.
21 |If Value is a number, the default decimal formatting is used.
22 |If Value is an object, the return value is the result of calling Value.ToString()
. If the object has no such method, a MethodError is thrown. This method is not implemented by default, so must be defined by the script.
Type, Integer, Float, Values, Expressions, Is functions
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/SubStr.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Retrieves one or more characters from the specified position in a string.
16 | 17 |NewStr := SubStr(String, StartingPos , Length)18 |
Type: String
24 |The string whose content is copied. This may contain binary zero.
25 |Type: Integer
30 |Specify 1 to start at the first character, 2 to start at the second, and so on. If StartingPos is 0 or beyond String's length, an empty string is returned.
31 |Specify a negative StartingPos to start at that position from the right. For example, -1 extracts the last character and -2 extracts the two last characters. If StartingPos tries to go beyond the left end of the string, the extraction starts at the first character.
32 |Type: Integer
37 |If omitted, it defaults to "all characters". Otherwise, specify the maximum number of characters to retrieve (fewer than the maximum are retrieved whenever the remaining part of the string is too short).
38 |You can also specify a negative Length to omit that many characters from the end of the returned string (an empty string is returned if all or too many characters are omitted).
39 |Type: String
45 |This function returns the requested substring of the specified string.
46 | 47 |Retrieves a substring with a length of 3 characters at position 4.
53 |MsgBox SubStr("123abc789", 4, 3) ; Returns abc54 |
Retrieves a substring from the beginning and end of a string.
58 |Str := "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog" 59 | MsgBox SubStr(Str, 1, 19) ; Returns "The Quick Brown Fox" 60 | MsgBox SubStr(Str, -8) ; Returns "Lazy Dog" 61 |62 |
Returns an array of the system's IPv4 addresses.
17 | 18 |Addresses := SysGetIPAddresses()
19 |
20 | This function has no parameters.
22 | 23 |Type: Array
25 |This function returns an array, where each element is an IPv4 address string such as "".
26 | 27 |Currently only IPv4 is supported.
29 |This function returns only the IP addresses of the computer's network adapters. If the computer is connected to the Internet through a router, this will not include the computer's public (Internet) IP address. To determine the computer's public IP address, use an external web API. For example:
30 |whr := ComObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") 31 | whr.Open("GET", "https://api.ipify.org") 32 | whr.Send() 33 | MsgBox "Public IP address: " whr.ResponseText34 | 35 |
Retrieves and reports the system's IPv4 addresses.
41 |addresses := SysGetIPAddresses() 42 | msg := "IP addresses:`n" 43 | for n, address in addresses 44 | msg .= address "`n" 45 | MsgBox msg46 |
Trims characters from the beginning and/or end of a string.
16 | 17 |NewString := Trim(String , OmitChars) 18 | NewString := LTrim(String , OmitChars) 19 | NewString := RTrim(String , OmitChars)20 |
Type: String
26 |Any string value or variable. Numbers are not supported.
27 |Type: String
32 |If omitted, spaces and tabs will be removed. Otherwise, specify a list of characters (case-sensitive) to exclude from the beginning and/or end of String.
33 |Type: String
39 |These functions return the trimmed version of the specified string.
40 | 41 |Trims all spaces from the left and right side of a string.
44 |text := " text " 45 | MsgBox 46 | ( 47 | "No trim:`t'" text "' 48 | Trim:`t'" Trim(text) "' 49 | LTrim:`t'" LTrim(text) "' 50 | RTrim:`t'" RTrim(text) "'" 51 | )52 |
Applies a condition to the continuation of a Loop or For-loop.
16 | 17 |Loop { 18 | ... 19 | } Until Expression20 |
Any valid expression.
The space or tab after Until
is optional if the expression is enclosed in parentheses, as in until(expression)
The expression is evaluated once after each iteration, and is evaluated even if Continue was used. If the expression evaluates to false (which is an empty string or the number 0), the loop continues; otherwise, the loop is broken and execution continues at the line following Until.
31 |Loop Until is shorthand for the following:
32 |Loop { 33 | ... 34 | if (Expression) 35 | break 36 | }37 |
However, Loop Until is often easier to understand and unlike the above, can be used with a single-line action. For example:
38 |Loop 39 | x *= 2 40 | Until x > y41 |
Until can be used with any Loop or For. For example:
42 |Loop Read, A_ScriptFullPath 43 | lines .= A_LoopReadLine . "`n" 44 | Until A_Index=5 ; Read the first five lines. 45 | MsgBox lines 46 |47 |
If A_Index is used in Expression, it contains the index of the iteration which has just finished.
48 | 49 |Loop, While-loop, For-loop, Break, Continue, Blocks, Files-and-folders loop, Registry loop, File-reading loop, Parsing loop, If
51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/WinGetCount.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Returns the number of existing windows that match the specified criteria.
17 | 18 |Count := WinGetCount(WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText)19 | 20 |
Type: String, Integer or Object
25 |If each of these is blank or omitted, all windows on the entire system will be counted. Otherwise, specify for WinTitle a window title or other criteria to identify the target window and/or for WinText a substring from a single text element of the target window (as revealed by the included Window Spy utility).
26 |ExcludeTitle and ExcludeText can be used to exclude one or more windows by their title or text. Their specification is similar to WinTitle and WinText, except that ExcludeTitle does not recognize any criteria other than the window title.
27 |Window titles and text are case-sensitive. By default, hidden windows are not detected and hidden text elements are detected, unless changed with DetectHiddenWindows and DetectHiddenText; however, when using pure HWNDs, hidden windows are always detected regardless of DetectHiddenWindows. By default, a window title can contain WinTitle or ExcludeTitle anywhere inside it to be a match, unless changed with SetTitleMatchMode.
28 |Type: Integer
33 |This function returns the number of existing windows that match the specified criteria. If there is no matching window, zero is returned.
34 | 35 |The ID of the window under the mouse cursor can be retrieved with MouseGetPos.
37 | 38 |WinGetList, Win functions, Control functions
40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/lib/WinMinimizeAll.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |Minimizes or unminimizes all windows.
16 | 17 |WinMinimizeAll 18 | WinMinimizeAllUndo19 |
On most systems, this is equivalent to Explorer's Win+M and Win+D hotkeys.
20 |Minimizes all windows for 1 second and unminimizes them.
25 |WinMinimizeAll 26 | Sleep 1000 27 | WinMinimizeAllUndo28 |
Changes how long the script keeps trying to access the clipboard when the first attempt fails.
16 | 17 |#ClipboardTimeout Milliseconds
18 | Type: Integer
24 |The length of the interval in milliseconds. Specify -1 to have it keep trying indefinitely. Specify 0 to have it try only once.
25 |If this directive is unspecified in the script, it will behave as though set to 1000 (milliseconds).
30 |Some applications keep the clipboard open for long periods of time, perhaps to write or read large amounts of data. In such cases, increasing this setting causes the script to wait longer before giving up and displaying an error message.
31 |This settings applies to all clipboard operations, the simplest of which are the following examples: Var := A_Clipboard
and A_Clipboard := "New Text"
Whenever the script is waiting for the clipboard to become available, new threads cannot be launched and timers will not run. However, if the user presses a hotkey, selects a custom menu item, or performs a GUI action such as pressing a button, that event will be buffered until later; in other words, its subroutine will be performed after the clipboard finally becomes available.
33 |This directive does not cause the reading of clipboard data to be reattempted if the first attempt fails.
34 |Like other directives, #ClipboardTimeout cannot be executed conditionally.
35 |Causes the script to wait 2 seconds instead of 1 second before giving up accessing the clipboard and displaying an error message.
40 |#ClipboardTimeout 200041 |
Sets the maximum time that may be spent evaluating a single #HotIf expression.
18 | 19 |#HotIfTimeout Timeout
20 | Type: Integer
26 |The timeout value to apply globally, in milliseconds.
27 |If this directive is unspecified in the script, it will behave as though set to 1000 (milliseconds).
33 |A timeout is implemented to prevent long-running expressions from stalling keyboard input processing. If the timeout value is exceeded, the expression continues to evaluate, but the keyboard hook continues as if the expression had already returned false.
34 |Note that the system implements its own timeout, defined by the DWORD value LowLevelHooksTimeout in the following registry key:
35 |HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
36 |If the system timeout value is exceeded, the system may stop calling the script's keyboard hook, thereby preventing hook hotkeys from working until the hook is re-registered or the script is reloaded. The hook can usually be re-registered by suspending and un-suspending all hotkeys.
37 |Microsoft's documentation is unclear about the details of this timeout, but research indicates the following for Windows 7 and later: If LowLevelHooksTimeout is not defined, the default timeout is 300 ms. The hook may time out up to 10 times, but is silently removed if it times out an 11th time.
38 |If a given hotkey has multiple #HotIf variants, the timeout might be applied to each variant independently, making it more likely that the system timeout will be exceeded. This may be changed in a future update.
39 |Like other directives, #HotIfTimeout cannot be executed conditionally.
40 |Controls which artificial keyboard and mouse events are ignored by hotkeys and hotstrings.
15 |#InputLevel Level16 | 17 |
Type: Integer
23 |If omitted, it defaults to 0. Otherwise, specify an integer between 0 and 100.
24 |If this directive is unspecified in the script, it will behave as though set to 0.
30 |For an explanation of how SendLevel and #InputLevel are used, see SendLevel.
31 |This directive is positional: it affects all hotkeys and hotstrings between it and the next #InputLevel directive. If not specified by an #InputLevel directive, hotkeys and hotstrings default to level 0.
32 |A hotkey's input level can also be set using the Hotkey function. For example: Hotkey "#z", my_hotkey_sub, "I1"
The input level of a hotkey or non-auto-replace hotstring is also used as the default send level for any keystrokes or button clicks generated by that hotkey or hotstring. Since a keyboard or mouse remapping is actually a pair of hotkeys, this allows #InputLevel to be used to allow remappings to trigger other hotkeys.
34 |AutoHotkey versions older than v1.1.06 behave as though #InputLevel 0
and SendLevel 0
are in effect.
Like other directives, #InputLevel cannot be executed conditionally.
36 | 37 |SendLevel, Hotkeys, Hotstrings
39 | 40 | Causes the first hotkey *Numpad0::
to trigger the second hotkey ~LButton::
. This would be not the case if the #InputLevel directives are omitted or commented out.
44 | #InputLevel 1 45 | ; Use SendEvent so that the script's own hotkeys can be triggered. 46 | *Numpad0::SendEvent "{Blind}{Click Down}" 47 | *Numpad0 up::SendEvent "{Blind}{Click Up}" 48 | #InputLevel 0 49 | ; This hotkey can be triggered by both Numpad0 and LButton: 50 | ~LButton::MsgBox "Clicked" 51 |52 |
Sets the maximum number of simultaneous threads.
16 | 17 |#MaxThreads Value
18 | Type: Integer
24 |The maximum total number of threads that can exist simultaneously. Specifying a number higher than 255 is the same as specifying 255.
25 |If this directive is unspecified in the script, it will behave as though set to 10.
30 |This setting is global, meaning that it needs to be specified only once (anywhere in the script) to affect the behavior of the entire script.
31 |Although a value of 1 is allowed, it is not recommended because it would prevent new hotkeys from launching whenever the script is displaying a message box or other dialog. It would also prevent timers from running whenever another thread is sleeping or waiting.
32 |The OnExit callback function will always launch regardless of how many threads exist.
33 |If this setting is lower than #MaxThreadsPerHotkey, it effectively overrides that setting.
34 |Like other directives, #MaxThreads cannot be executed conditionally.
35 |#MaxThreadsPerHotkey, Threads, A_MaxHotkeysPerInterval, ListHotkeys
37 |Sets the maximum number of simultaneous threads per hotkey or hotstring.
16 | 17 |#MaxThreadsPerHotkey Value
18 | Type: Integer
24 |The maximum number of threads that can be launched for a given hotkey/hotstring subroutine (limit 255).
25 |If this directive is unspecified in the script, it will behave as though set to 1.
30 |This setting is used to control how many "instances" of a given hotkey or hotstring subroutine are allowed to exist simultaneously. For example, if a hotkey has a max of 1 and it is pressed again while its subroutine is already running, the press will be ignored. This is helpful to prevent accidental double-presses. However, if you wish these keypresses to be buffered rather than ignored -- perhaps to increase the responsiveness of the keyboard's auto-repeat feature -- use #MaxThreadsBuffer.
31 |Unlike #MaxThreads, this setting is not global. Instead, position it before the first hotkey you wish to have affected by it, which will result in all subsequent hotkeys using that value until another instance of this directive is encountered.
32 |The setting of #MaxThreads -- if lower than this setting -- takes precedence.
33 |Like other directives, #MaxThreadsPerHotkey cannot be executed conditionally.
34 |#MaxThreads, #MaxThreadsBuffer, Critical, Threads, Hotkey, A_MaxHotkeysPerInterval, ListHotkeys
36 |Allows a maximum of 3 simultaneous threads instead of 1 per hotkey or hotstring.
39 |#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 340 |
Disables the showing of a tray icon.
16 | 17 |#NoTrayIcon
18 | Specifying this anywhere in a script will prevent the showing of a tray icon for that script when it is launched (even if the script is compiled into an EXE).
19 |If you use this for a script that has hotkeys, you might want to bind a hotkey to the ExitApp function. Otherwise, there will be no easy way to exit the program (without restarting the computer or killing the process). For example: #x::ExitApp
The tray icon can be made to disappear or reappear at any time during the execution of the script by assigning a true or false value to A_IconHidden. The only drawback of using A_IconHidden := true
at the very top of the script is that the tray icon might be briefly visible when the script is first launched. To avoid that, use #NoTrayIcon instead.
The built-in variable A_IconHidden contains 1 if the tray icon is currently hidden or 0 otherwise, and can be assigned a value to show or hide the icon.
22 | 23 |Like other directives, #NoTrayIcon cannot be executed conditionally.
24 |Tray Icon, TraySetIcon, A_IconHidden, A_IconTip, ExitApp
26 |Exempts subsequent hotkeys and hotstrings from suspension.
17 | 18 |#SuspendExempt Setting19 |
If omitted, it defaults to True. Otherwise, specify one of the following literal values:
26 |True or 1: Enables exemption for subsequent hotkeys and hotstrings.
27 |False or 0: Disables exemption.
28 |If this directive is unspecified in the script, all hotkeys or hotstrings are disabled when the script is suspended, even those which call the Suspend function.
33 |Hotkeys and hotstrings can be suspended by the Suspend function or via the tray icon or main window.
34 |This directive does not affect the Hotkey or Hotstring functions, for which the S hotkey option or S hotstring option can be used instead.
35 |Like other directives, #SuspendExempt cannot be executed conditionally.
36 | 37 |The first hotkey in this example toggles the suspension. To prevent this hotkey from being suspended after the suspension has been turned on and thus no longer being able to turn it off, it must be exempted.
43 |#SuspendExempt ; Exempt the following hotkey from Suspend. 44 | #Esc::Suspend -1 45 | #SuspendExempt False ; Disable exemption for any hotkeys/hotstrings below this. 46 | ^1::MsgBox "This hotkey is affected by Suspend." 47 |48 |
Skips the gentle method of activating a window and goes straight to the forceful method.
16 | 17 |#WinActivateForce
18 | Specifying this anywhere in a script will cause built-in functions that activate a window -- such as WinActivate, WinActivateBottom, and GroupActivate -- to skip the "gentle" method of activating a window and go straight to the more forceful methods.
19 |Although this directive will usually not change how quickly or reliably a window is activated, it might prevent task bar buttons from flashing when different windows are activated quickly one after the other.
20 | 21 |Like other directives, #WinActivateForce cannot be executed conditionally.
23 | 24 |WinActivate, WinActivateBottom, GroupActivate
26 |A macro is a series of scripted actions that is "played" upon demand. The most common activity of a macro is to send simulated keystrokes and mouse clicks to one or more windows. Such windows respond to each keystroke and mouse click as though you had performed it manually, which allows repetitive tasks to be automated with high speed and reliability.
17 |One of the most convenient ways to play back a macro is to assign it to a hotkey or hotstring. For example, the following hotkey would create an empty e-mail message and prepare it for a certain type recipient, allowing you to personalize it prior to sending:
18 |^!s:: ; Control+Alt+S hotkey. 19 | { 20 | if not WinExist("Inbox - Microsoft Outlook") 21 | return ; Outlook isn't open to the right section, so do nothing. 22 | WinActivate ; Activate the window found by the above function. 23 | Send "^n" ; Create new/blank e-mail via Control+N. 24 | WinWaitActive "Untitled Message" 25 | Send "{Tab 2}Product Recall for ACME Rocket Skates" ; Set the subject line. 26 | Send "{Tab}Dear Sir or Madam,{Enter 2}We have recently discovered a minor defect ..." ; etc. 27 | } ; This brace marks the end of the hotkey.28 |
Hotkey macros like the above are especially useful for tasks you perform several times per day. By contrast, macros used less often can each be kept in a separate script accessible by means of a shortcut in the Start Menu or on the desktop.
29 |To start creating your own macros and hotkeys right away, please read the Quick-start Tutorial.
30 | 31 | 32 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/misc/Override.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |You can disable all built-in Windows hotkeys except Win+L and Win+U by making the following change to the registry (this should work on all OSes but a reboot is probably required):
16 |HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer 17 | NoWinKeys REG_DWORD 0x00000001 (1)18 |
But read on if you want to do more than just disable them all.
19 |Hotkeys owned by another application can be overridden or disabled simply by assigning them to an action in the script. The most common use for this feature is to change the hotkeys that are built into Windows itself. For example, if you wish Win+E (the shortcut key that launches Windows Explorer) to perform some other action, use this:
20 |#e::MsgBox "This hotkey is now owned by the script."21 |
In the next example, the Win+R hotkey, which is used to open the RUN window, is completely disabled:
22 |#r::return23 |
Similarly, to disable both Win, use this:
24 |LWin::return 25 | RWin::return26 |
To disable or change an application's non-global hotkey (that is, a shortcut key that only works when that application is the active window), consider the following example which disables Ctrl+P (Print) only for Notepad, leaving the key in effect for all other types of windows:
27 |$^p:: 28 | { 29 | if WinActive("ahk_class Notepad") 30 | return ; i.e. do nothing, which causes Ctrl+P to do nothing in Notepad. 31 | Send "^p" 32 | }33 |
In the above example, the $ prefix is needed so that the hotkey can "send itself" without activating itself (which would otherwise trigger a warning dialog about an infinite loop). See also: Context-sensitive Hotkeys.
34 |You can try out any of the above examples by copying them into a new text file such as "Override.ahk", then launching the file. Alternatively, if your browser supports it, you can download any of them as a script file by clicking the ↓ button which appears in the top-right of the code block when you hover your mouse over it.
35 | 36 | 37 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/misc/Performance.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |The following functions may affect performance depending on the nature of the script: SendMode, SetKeyDelay, SetMouseDelay, SetWinDelay, SetControlDelay, and SetDefaultMouseSpeed.
16 |Each script is semi-compiled while it is being loaded and syntax-checked. In addition to detecting some errors early, this also greatly improves runtime performance.
18 |Here are some of the technical details of the optimization process (semi-compiling):
19 |In addition, during script execution, binary numbers are cached in variables to avoid conversions to/from strings.
28 | 29 | 30 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/misc/Winamp.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |This page demonstrates how to control Winamp via hotkey even when it is minimized or inactive. This information has been tested with Winamp 2.78c but should work for other major releases as well. Please post changes and improvements in the forum.
16 |This example makes the Ctrl+Alt+P hotkey equivalent to pressing Winamp's pause/unpause button:
17 |^!p:: 18 | { 19 | if not WinExist("ahk_class Winamp v1.x") 20 | return 21 | ; Otherwise, the above has set the "last found" window for use below. 22 | ControlSend "c" ; Pause/Unpause 23 | }24 |
Here are some of the keyboard shortcuts available in Winamp 2.x (may work in other versions too). The above example can be revised to use any of these keys:
25 |Key to send | 28 |Effect | 29 |
c |
32 | Pause/UnPause | 33 |
x |
36 | Play/Restart/UnPause | 37 |
v |
40 | Stop | 41 |
+v |
44 | Stop with Fadeout | 45 |
^v |
48 | Stop after the current track | 49 |
b |
52 | Next Track | 53 |
z |
56 | Previous Track | 57 |
{left} |
60 | Rewind 5 seconds | 61 |
{right} |
64 | Fast-forward 5 seconds | 65 |
{up} |
68 | Turn Volume Up | 69 |
{down} |
72 | Turn Volume Down | 73 |
The following example asks Winamp which track number is currently active:
76 |77 | TrackNumber := SendMessage(0x0400, 0, 120,, "ahk_class Winamp v1.x") 78 | if (TrackNumber != "") 79 | { 80 | TrackNumber += 1 ; Winamp's count starts at 0, so adjust by 1. 81 | MsgBox "Track #" TrackNumber " is active or playing." 82 | }83 | 84 | 85 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/misc/remove-userchoice.reg: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 2 | 3 | [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.ahk\UserChoice] 4 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/scripts/ContextSensitiveHelp.ahk: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | ; Context Sensitive Help in Any Editor (based on the v1 script by Rajat) 2 | ; https://www.autohotkey.com 3 | ; This script makes Ctrl+2 (or another hotkey of your choice) show the help file 4 | ; page for the selected AutoHotkey function or keyword. If nothing is selected, 5 | ; the function name will be extracted from the beginning of the current line. 6 | 7 | ; The hotkey below uses the clipboard to provide compatibility with the maximum 8 | ; number of editors (since ControlGet doesn't work with most advanced editors). 9 | ; It restores the original clipboard contents afterward, but as plain text, 10 | ; which seems better than nothing. 11 | 12 | $^2:: 13 | { 14 | ; The following values are in effect only for the duration of this hotkey thread. 15 | ; Therefore, there is no need to change them back to their original values 16 | ; because that is done automatically when the thread ends: 17 | SetWinDelay 10 18 | SetKeyDelay 0 19 | 20 | C_ClipboardPrev := A_Clipboard 21 | A_Clipboard := "" 22 | ; Use the highlighted word if there is one (since sometimes the user might 23 | ; intentionally highlight something that isn't a function): 24 | Send "^c" 25 | if !ClipWait(0.1) 26 | { 27 | ; Get the entire line because editors treat cursor navigation keys differently: 28 | Send "{home}+{end}^c" 29 | if !ClipWait(0.2) ; Rare, so no error is reported. 30 | { 31 | A_Clipboard := C_ClipboardPrev 32 | return 33 | } 34 | } 35 | C_Cmd := Trim(A_Clipboard) ; This will trim leading and trailing tabs & spaces. 36 | A_Clipboard := C_ClipboardPrev ; Restore the original clipboard for the user. 37 | Loop Parse, C_Cmd, "`s" ; The first space is the end of the function. 38 | { 39 | C_Cmd := A_LoopField 40 | break ; i.e. we only need one interation. 41 | } 42 | if !WinExist("AutoHotkey Help") 43 | { 44 | ; Determine AutoHotkey's location: 45 | try 46 | ahk_dir := RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoHotkey", "InstallDir") 47 | catch ; Not found, so look for it in some other common locations. 48 | { 49 | if A_AhkPath 50 | SplitPath A_AhkPath,, &ahk_dir 51 | else if FileExist("..\..\AutoHotkey.chm") 52 | ahk_dir := "..\.." 53 | else if FileExist(A_ProgramFiles "\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.chm") 54 | ahk_dir := A_ProgramFiles "\AutoHotkey" 55 | else 56 | { 57 | MsgBox "Could not find the AutoHotkey folder." 58 | return 59 | } 60 | } 61 | Run ahk_dir "\AutoHotkey.chm" 62 | WinWait "AutoHotkey Help" 63 | } 64 | ; The above has set the "last found" window which we use below: 65 | WinActivate 66 | WinWaitActive 67 | C_Cmd := StrReplace(C_Cmd, "#", "{#}") 68 | Send "!n{home}+{end}" C_Cmd "{enter}" 69 | } 70 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/scripts/EasyWindowDrag.ahk: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | ; Easy Window Dragging 2 | ; https://www.autohotkey.com 3 | ; Normally, a window can only be dragged by clicking on its title bar. 4 | ; This script extends that so that any point inside a window can be dragged. 5 | ; To activate this mode, hold down CapsLock or the middle mouse button while 6 | ; clicking, then drag the window to a new position. 7 | 8 | ; Note: You can optionally release CapsLock or the middle mouse button after 9 | ; pressing down the mouse button rather than holding it down the whole time. 10 | 11 | ~MButton & LButton:: 12 | CapsLock & LButton:: 13 | EWD_MoveWindow(*) 14 | { 15 | CoordMode "Mouse" ; Switch to screen/absolute coordinates. 16 | MouseGetPos &EWD_MouseStartX, &EWD_MouseStartY, &EWD_MouseWin 17 | WinGetPos &EWD_OriginalPosX, &EWD_OriginalPosY,,, EWD_MouseWin 18 | if !WinGetMinMax(EWD_MouseWin) ; Only if the window isn't maximized 19 | SetTimer EWD_WatchMouse, 10 ; Track the mouse as the user drags it. 20 | 21 | EWD_WatchMouse() 22 | { 23 | if !GetKeyState("LButton", "P") ; Button has been released, so drag is complete. 24 | { 25 | SetTimer , 0 26 | return 27 | } 28 | if GetKeyState("Escape", "P") ; Escape has been pressed, so drag is cancelled. 29 | { 30 | SetTimer , 0 31 | WinMove EWD_OriginalPosX, EWD_OriginalPosY,,, EWD_MouseWin 32 | return 33 | } 34 | ; Otherwise, reposition the window to match the change in mouse coordinates 35 | ; caused by the user having dragged the mouse: 36 | CoordMode "Mouse" 37 | MouseGetPos &EWD_MouseX, &EWD_MouseY 38 | WinGetPos &EWD_WinX, &EWD_WinY,,, EWD_MouseWin 39 | SetWinDelay -1 ; Makes the below move faster/smoother. 40 | WinMove EWD_WinX + EWD_MouseX - EWD_MouseStartX, EWD_WinY + EWD_MouseY - EWD_MouseStartY,,, EWD_MouseWin 41 | EWD_MouseStartX := EWD_MouseX ; Update for the next timer-call to this subroutine. 42 | EWD_MouseStartY := EWD_MouseY 43 | } 44 | } 45 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/scripts/MsgBoxButtonNames.ahk: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | ; Changing MsgBox's Button Names 2 | ; https://www.autohotkey.com 3 | ; This is a working example script that uses a timer to change 4 | ; the names of the buttons in a message box. Although the button 5 | ; names are changed, the MsgBox's return value still requires that the 6 | ; buttons be referred to by their original names. 7 | 8 | #SingleInstance 9 | SetTimer ChangeButtonNames, 50 10 | Result := MsgBox("Choose a button:", "Add or Delete", 4) 11 | if Result = "Yes" 12 | MsgBox "You chose Add." 13 | else 14 | MsgBox "You chose Delete." 15 | 16 | ChangeButtonNames() 17 | { 18 | if !WinExist("Add or Delete") 19 | return ; Keep waiting. 20 | SetTimer , 0 21 | WinActivate 22 | ControlSetText "&Add", "Button1" 23 | ControlSetText "&Delete", "Button2" 24 | } 25 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/scripts/Numpad000.ahk: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | ; Numpad 000 Key 2 | ; https://www.autohotkey.com 3 | ; This example script makes the special 000 key that appears on certain 4 | ; keypads into an equals key. You can change the action by replacing the 5 | ; Send "=" line with line(s) of your choice. 6 | 7 | #MaxThreadsPerHotkey 5 ; Allow multiple threads for this hotkey. 8 | $Numpad0:: 9 | { 10 | #MaxThreadsPerHotkey 1 11 | ; Above: Use the $ to force the hook to be used, which prevents an 12 | ; infinite loop since this subroutine itself sends Numpad0, which 13 | ; would otherwise result in a recursive call to itself. 14 | DelayBetweenKeys := 30 ; Adjust this value if it doesn't work. 15 | if A_PriorHotkey = A_ThisHotkey 16 | { 17 | if A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < DelayBetweenKeys 18 | { 19 | if Numpad0Count = "" 20 | Numpad0Count := 2 ; i.e. This one plus the prior one. 21 | else if Numpad0Count = 0 22 | Numpad0Count := 2 23 | else 24 | { 25 | ; Since we're here, Numpad0Count must be 2 as set by 26 | ; prior calls, which means this is the third time the 27 | ; the key has been pressed. Thus, the hotkey sequence 28 | ; should fire: 29 | Numpad0Count := 0 30 | Send "=" ; ******* This is the action for the 000 key 31 | } 32 | ; In all the above cases, we return without further action: 33 | CalledReentrantly := true 34 | return 35 | } 36 | } 37 | ; Otherwise, this Numpad0 event is either the first in the series 38 | ; or it happened too long after the first one (e.g. perhaps the 39 | ; user is holding down the Numpad0 key to auto-repeat it, which 40 | ; we want to allow). Therefore, after a short delay -- during 41 | ; which another Numpad0 hotkey event may re-entrantly call this 42 | ; subroutine -- we'll send the key on through if no reentrant 43 | ; calls occurred: 44 | Numpad0Count := 0 45 | CalledReentrantly := false 46 | ; During this sleep, this subroutine may be reentrantly called 47 | ; (i.e. a simultaneous "thread" which runs in parallel to the 48 | ; call we're in now): 49 | Sleep DelayBetweenKeys 50 | if CalledReentrantly = true ; Another "thread" changed the value. 51 | { 52 | ; Since it was called reentrantly, this key event was the first in 53 | ; the sequence so should be suppressed (hidden from the system): 54 | CalledReentrantly := false 55 | return 56 | } 57 | ; Otherwise it's not part of the sequence so we send it through normally. 58 | ; In other words, the *real* Numpad0 key has been pressed, so we want it 59 | ; to have its normal effect: 60 | Send "{Numpad0}" 61 | } 62 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/scripts/VolumeOSD.ahk: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | /* 2 | Volume On-Screen-Display (based on the v1 script by Rajat) 3 | https://www.autohotkey.com 4 | This script assigns hotkeys of your choice to raise and lower the master wave volume. 5 | */ 6 | 7 | ; --- User Settings --- 8 | 9 | ; The percentage by which to raise or lower the volume each time: 10 | g_Step := 4 11 | 12 | ; How long to display the volume level bar graphs: 13 | g_DisplayTime := 2000 14 | 15 | ; Master Volume Bar color (see the help file to use more precise shades): 16 | g_CBM := "Red" 17 | 18 | ; Background color: 19 | g_CW := "Silver" 20 | 21 | ; Bar's screen position. Use "center" to center the bar in that dimension: 22 | g_PosX := "center" 23 | g_PosY := "center" 24 | g_Width := 150 ; width of bar 25 | g_Thick := 12 ; thickness of bar 26 | 27 | ; If your keyboard has multimedia buttons for Volume, you can 28 | ; try changing the below hotkeys to use them by specifying 29 | ; Volume_Up and Volume_Down: 30 | g_MasterUp := "#Up" ; Win+UpArrow 31 | g_MasterDown := "#Down" 32 | 33 | ; --- Auto Execute Section --- 34 | 35 | ; DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING HERE (unless you know what you're doing). 36 | 37 | #SingleInstance 38 | 39 | ; Create the Progress window: 40 | G := Gui("+ToolWindow -Caption -Border +Disabled") 41 | G.MarginX := 0, G.MarginY := 0 42 | opt := "w" g_Width " h" g_Thick " background" g_CW 43 | Master := G.Add("Progress", opt " c" g_CBM) 44 | 45 | ; Register hotkeys: 46 | Hotkey g_MasterUp, (*) => ChangeVolume("+") 47 | Hotkey g_MasterDown, (*) => ChangeVolume("-") 48 | 49 | ; --- Function Definitions --- 50 | 51 | ChangeVolume(Prefix) 52 | { 53 | SoundSetVolume(Prefix g_Step) 54 | Master.Value := Round(SoundGetVolume()) 55 | G.Show("x" g_PosX " y" g_PosY) 56 | SetTimer HideWindow, -g_DisplayTime 57 | } 58 | 59 | HideWindow() 60 | { 61 | G.Hide() 62 | } 63 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/scripts/WindowShading.ahk: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | ; Window Shading (based on the v1 script by Rajat) 2 | ; https://www.autohotkey.com 3 | ; This script reduces a window to its title bar and then back to its 4 | ; original size by pressing a single hotkey. Any number of windows 5 | ; can be reduced in this fashion (the script remembers each). If the 6 | ; script exits for any reason, all "rolled up" windows will be 7 | ; automatically restored to their original heights. 8 | 9 | ; Set the height of a rolled up window here. The operating system 10 | ; probably won't allow the title bar to be hidden regardless of 11 | ; how low this number is: 12 | g_MinHeight := 25 13 | 14 | ; This line will unroll any rolled up windows if the script exits 15 | ; for any reason: 16 | OnExit ExitSub 17 | 18 | IDs := Array() 19 | Windows := Map() 20 | 21 | #z:: ; Change this line to pick a different hotkey. 22 | ; Below this point, no changes should be made unless you want to 23 | ; alter the script's basic functionality. 24 | { 25 | ; Uncomment this next line if this subroutine is to be converted 26 | ; into a custom menu item rather than a hotkey. The delay allows 27 | ; the active window that was deactivated by the displayed menu to 28 | ; become active again: 29 | ;Sleep 200 30 | ActiveID := WinGetID("A") 31 | for ID in IDs 32 | { 33 | if ID = ActiveID 34 | { 35 | ; Match found, so this window should be restored (unrolled): 36 | Height := Windows[ActiveID] 37 | WinMove ,,, Height, ActiveID 38 | IDs.RemoveAt(A_Index) 39 | return 40 | } 41 | } 42 | WinGetPos ,,, &Height, "A" 43 | Windows.Set(ActiveID, Height) 44 | WinMove ,,, g_MinHeight, ActiveID 45 | IDs.Push(ActiveID) 46 | } 47 | 48 | ExitSub(*) 49 | { 50 | for ID in IDs 51 | { 52 | Height := Windows[ID] 53 | WinMove ,,, Height, ID 54 | } 55 | ExitApp ; Must do this for the OnExit subroutine to actually Exit the script. 56 | } 57 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/search.htm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
13 | 14 | 87 | 88 | 89 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/ahk16.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/ahk16.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/ahk16_pause.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/ahk16_pause.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/ahk16_pause_suspend.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/ahk16_pause_suspend.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/ahk16_suspend.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/ahk16_suspend.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/ahk_logo.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/ahk_logo.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/ahk_logo_no_text.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/ahk_logo_no_text.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/ahkfile16.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/ahkfile16.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/ctrl_button.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/ctrl_button.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/ctrl_check.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/ctrl_check.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/ctrl_combo.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/ctrl_combo.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/ctrl_datetime.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/ctrl_datetime.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/ctrl_ddl.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/ctrl_ddl.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/ctrl_edit.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/ctrl_edit.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/ctrl_group.png: 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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/ctrl_status.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/ctrl_tab.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/ctrl_tab.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/ctrl_text.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/ctrl_text.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/ctrl_treeview.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/ctrl_treeview.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/ctrl_updown.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/ctrl_updown.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/dlg_file.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/dlg_file.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/dlg_folder.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/dlg_folder.png 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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/dlg_traytip.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/fonts/icons.eot: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/fonts/icons.eot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/fonts/icons.ttf: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/fonts/icons.ttf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/fonts/icons.woff: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/fonts/icons.woff -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/highlighter/dark.css: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | @import url('highlighter.css'); 2 | 3 | .highlight>.cmd, 4 | .highlight>.bif { 5 | color: #569cd6; 6 | } 7 | 8 | .highlight>.met { 9 | color: #60c5dc; 10 | } 11 | 12 | .highlight>.cfs, 13 | .highlight>.dec { 14 | color: #c586c0; 15 | } 16 | 17 | .highlight>.str { 18 | color: #ce9178; 19 | } 20 | 21 | .highlight .str>.esc, 22 | .highlight .lab>.esc { 23 | color: #d7ba7d; 24 | } 25 | 26 | .highlight>.biv, 27 | .highlight>.cls { 28 | color: #4ec9b0; 29 | } 30 | 31 | .highlight>.dir { 32 | color: #dcdcaa; 33 | } 34 | 35 | .highlight>.lab, 36 | .highlight>.fun { 37 | font-weight: normal; 38 | color: #dcdcaa; 39 | } 40 | 41 | .highlight>.num { 42 | color: #b5cea8; 43 | } 44 | 45 | .highlight .cmt { 46 | color: #6a9955; 47 | } 48 | 49 | .highlight.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows { 50 | border-right-color: #999; 51 | } 52 | 53 | .highlight.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows>span:before { 54 | color: #999; 55 | } 56 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/highlighter/highlighter.css: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | .highlight span>a, 2 | .highlight span>a:hover { 3 | color: inherit !important; 4 | } 5 | 6 | .highlight span>a { 7 | text-decoration: none; 8 | } 9 | 10 | .highlight.line-numbers-hide .line-numbers-rows { 11 | display: none; 12 | } 13 | 14 | .highlight.line-numbers { 15 | white-space: pre; 16 | overflow-x: auto; 17 | } 18 | 19 | .highlight.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows { 20 | position: absolute; 21 | pointer-events: none; 22 | top: 0; 23 | font-size: 100%; 24 | left: 0; 25 | width: 3em; 26 | letter-spacing: -1px; 27 | border-right: 1px solid; 28 | -webkit-user-select: none; 29 | -moz-user-select: none; 30 | -ms-user-select: none; 31 | user-select: none; 32 | } 33 | 34 | .highlight.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows>span { 35 | display: block; 36 | counter-increment: linenumber; 37 | } 38 | 39 | .highlight.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows>span:before { 40 | content: counter(linenumber); 41 | display: block; 42 | padding-right: 0.8em; 43 | text-align: right; 44 | } 45 | 46 | .highlight code { 47 | position: relative; 48 | display: block; 49 | background-color: inherit; 50 | color: inherit; 51 | } 52 | 53 | .highlight.line-numbers code { 54 | padding-left: 3.8em; 55 | } 56 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/highlighter/light.css: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | @import url('highlighter.css'); 2 | 3 | .highlight>.bif { 4 | color: #0148c2; 5 | } 6 | 7 | .highlight>.met { 8 | color: #097f9a; 9 | } 10 | 11 | .highlight>.cfs, 12 | .highlight>.dec { 13 | color: #6F008A; 14 | } 15 | 16 | .highlight>.str { 17 | color: #A31515; 18 | } 19 | 20 | .highlight .str>.esc { 21 | color: #FF0000; 22 | } 23 | 24 | .highlight>.biv, 25 | .highlight>.cls { 26 | color: #006400; 27 | } 28 | 29 | .highlight>.dir { 30 | color: green; 31 | } 32 | 33 | .highlight>.lab, 34 | .highlight>.fun { 35 | font-weight: bold; 36 | color: #290e90; 37 | } 38 | 39 | .highlight .lab>.esc { 40 | color: #0d6bff; 41 | } 42 | 43 | .highlight>.num { 44 | color: #1a6c4e; 45 | } 46 | 47 | .highlight>.cmt { 48 | color: #708090; 49 | } 50 | 51 | .highlight.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows { 52 | border-right-color: #999; 53 | } 54 | 55 | .highlight.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows>span:before { 56 | color: #999; 57 | } 58 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/sound_levels.png: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs/v2/docs/static/sound_levels.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/source/check_data.ahk: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | #Requires AutoHotkey v2 2 | 3 | SetWorkingDir(A_ScriptDir "\..\..") ; Required. 4 | 5 | if !RegExMatch(A_WorkingDir, "\\docs$") ; Sanity check. 6 | MsgBox("Working dir is not \docs.`n" A_WorkingDir, "", 48) 7 | 8 | file_indexed := Map() 9 | 10 | ; Check for missing files and anchors referenced in the index. 11 | datafile := A_WorkingDir "\static\source\data_index.js" 12 | loop read, datafile 13 | { 14 | if RegExMatch(A_LoopReadLine, '\["(.*?)","(.*?)"', &m) 15 | { 16 | CheckHREF(m[1], m[2]) 17 | } 18 | } 19 | 20 | ; Check for missing files and anchors referenced in the TOC. 21 | datafile := A_WorkingDir "\static\source\data_toc.js" 22 | loop read, datafile 23 | { 24 | if RegExMatch(A_LoopReadLine, '\["(.*?)","(.+?)"', &m) 25 | { 26 | CheckHREF(m[1], m[2]) 27 | } 28 | } 29 | 30 | ; Check for files which aren't in the index or TOC. 31 | ; Note that some are intentionally omitted. 32 | if false 33 | loop files, "*.htm", "FR" 34 | { 35 | path := A_LoopFilePath 36 | if !file_indexed.Has(path) 37 | D("file not in index or TOC: " path) 38 | } 39 | 40 | CheckHREF(topic, href) 41 | { 42 | global file_indexed, datafile 43 | href := StrSplit(href, "#") 44 | try 45 | html := FileRead(href[1]) 46 | catch 47 | D(datafile " (" A_Index ") : " href[1]) 48 | else if href.length != 1 && !InStr(html, 'id="' href[2] '"') 49 | D(datafile " (" A_Index ") : #" href[2]) 50 | file_indexed[StrReplace(href[1],"/","\")] := true 51 | } 52 | 53 | D(s) { 54 | FileAppend(s "`n", "*") 55 | } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/source/data_deprecate.js: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | deprecateData = { 2 | "Hotstrings.htm#SP":"the default hotstring option SI", 3 | "lib/Send.htm#SendPlay":"SendInput", 4 | "lib/Send.htm#SendPlayDetail":"SendInput", 5 | "lib/SendMode.htm#Play":"the default mode Input" 6 | }; 7 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /docs/static/source/data_translate.js: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | translateData = { 2 | // sidebar 3 | "C̲ontent":true, 4 | "Content tab":true, 5 | "Shortcut: ALT+C":true, 6 | "In̲dex":true, 7 | "Index tab":true, 8 | "Shortcut: ALT+N":true, 9 | "Filter":true, 10 | "Directives":true, 11 | "Built-in Variables":true, 12 | "Built-in Functions":true, 13 | "function":true, 14 | "Control Flow Statements":true, 15 | "Declarations":true, 16 | "Operators":true, 17 | "operator":true, 18 | "Built-in Classes":true, 19 | "class":true, 20 | "Built-in Methods/Properties":true, 21 | "Ahk2Exe Compiler":true, 22 | "S̲earch":true, 23 | "Search tab":true, 24 | "Shortcut: ALT+S":true, 25 | "Search":true, 26 | "Highlight keywords":true, 27 | "Go to previous/next occurrence":true, 28 | "Quick reference":true, 29 | "Collapse or uncollapse the quick reference":true, 30 | // header 31 | "Skip navigation":true, 32 | "Hide or show the sidebar":true, 33 | "Go to the homepage":true, 34 | "en":true, 35 | "Change the language":true, 36 | "v1":"v2", 37 | "Change the version":true, 38 | "Edit this document on GitHub":true, 39 | "https://github.com/Lexikos/AutoHotkey_L-Docs/edit/v1/docs/":"https://github.com/Lexikos/AutoHotkey_L-Docs/edit/v2/docs/", 40 | "Go back":true, 41 | "Go forward":true, 42 | "Change the font size":true, 43 | "Print this document":true, 44 | "Open this document in the default browser (requires internet connection). Middle-click to copy the link address.":true, 45 | "Use the dark or light theme":true, 46 | "Open the help settings":true, 47 | // ALT+... shortcuts (needs uppercase) 48 | "C":true, 49 | "N":true, 50 | "S":true, 51 | // content 52 | "Select code":true, 53 | "Download code":true, 54 | "Back to top":true, 55 | "Applies to:\nAutoHotkey_L Revision {0} and later\nAutoHotkey v1.0.90.00 and later":true, 56 | "Applies to AutoHotkey {0} and later":true, 57 | "Deprecated. New scripts should use {0} instead.":true 58 | }; 59 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /index.html: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |Redirecting to docs/.
9 | 10 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------